**** Some people don't teach their children manners. Grrr. ****

by FlyingHighNow 277 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber
    Btw Caliber how is sado masochistic sex relevant here ?? :-) ???

    To LLBH,

    In that case, get to bed FHN!! You ought to be spanked, staying up so late on the internet. I don't believe in spanking either, but I'd make an exception for you. ..... Cog

    My comments were merely a joking response to this comment.. I merely found a picture on Google image related to spanking

    no such intent as you described was intended.. also due to misunderstanding I immediately offered an apology , must I do this a second time for you ? However as a matter of fact I will apologize to you also now for unintended insult & offense..to indicate my good will

    below was my immediate response to Cog... my intent was to lighten a tense situation not add to it..

    So sorry it was a a joke in response to your comment really.. peace !!!

    sincerely Caliber

  • llbh

    Caliber i was joking btw .


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    LOLROTF @ John Doe's comment. YES!

    How you doing?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Doe? You watch Keeping Up Appearances? I'm impressed.

    The fact that I'm a well rounded, cultured individual should come as no surprise. Hell, I like Red Green too.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I could picture Elaine just sitting in the chair and saying "Bite me, bitch!" Come on FHN, did just a little part of you want to forget your well-brought up manners and do that. You can admit it here. We won't tell anyone.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Caliber, I was also joking when I said "How Rude!" in response to your picture.

    Just for the record, to avoid future misunderstandings, I am almost always joking when I post. Think of a female John Doe. :-)

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Interesting comments regarding Elaine Benes. Consider this:

    The main characters of Seinfeld were bad people. They weren't bad people because they robbed banks. They weren't bad people because they murdered children. They were bad people because they were all amoral and self-centered.
  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    They were horribly self centered and sometimes amoral but they were hilarious doing it, so that makes it OK! (According to Cog's rules of etiquette) (Book coming out soon)

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Trivia: did you know that Julia Luis Dreyfuss is heir to a multi-billon dollar fortune? Her father is a french financier and is one of Forbes 500 richest men in the world! I believe she is also his only child, (but could possible be mistaken about that)

  • caliber

    As I ponder how this post progressed and went down I have some final thoughts for future posts like this .

    I call it "building sand castles "... who has not seen where a small child has spent maybe even hours building

    a beautiful sand castle on the beach, only to have someone in the name of humor step on it ? We all know that

    in the big scheme of things all we say or do may mean very little , but to that children in" this moment the time' the

    effort and focus means the world to them !

    I remember something my recently depart father used to say to us growing up..." I appreciate humor as much

    as the next guy but don't make a monkeys ass out of me when I'm trying to say something is important to you !"

    This thought I feel is important for both you and ME to bear in mind for future posts

    BY the way FHN "Your sand castle was most beautiful... with" unbelievable patience "you rebuilt it into a most beautiful mansion !

    this to this .....

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