Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • winstonchurchill

    Thanks for this post. For over 30 years I have been disgusted by the constant implications that we are uncontrollable animal and should always be on a leash. WTS extreme views on this matter has the very offensive implication that if left alone we'd immediately jump over each other and have sex.

    We are often given the example of Joseph, but as per WTS rules will never be in such situation; we will never be able to excercise our free will and determination to be like Joseph, because we'd never be alone with the opposite sex.

    And PLEASE Reniaa, don't come here telling me that Joseph's case was different, and quote some convenient verse, because I'll tell you about the time Judah f'd his daughter in law, thinking she was a prostitute and both were pronounced blessed. Or maybe I should read you the story of Amnon and Tamar, to learn a couple of things abount 'unintentional, accidental sex'.

    I'm an active elder and I'm not arguing here for 'free love' and fortituous sex. But I believe in PERSONAL responsability, not in some control freaks telling you how close you can sit to the opposite sex. Your quote: "there is no need to throw them in the lion's den and say have fun", implies that I'm a sick bastard and the sister is a horny slut, and that by just sitting together in the same car will go on a fornicating rampage. Well, YOU ARE WRONG! We are decent god-fearing people who can restrain any primal impulse. And yes I can notice if she's hot and has nice tits, but that doesn't mean I'll grope her. I know better, not because I'm a witness, but because I'm a decent family man. That how I've managed for years to work very closely at my office with really attractive 'worldly' girls, staying alone, sometimes night shifts, having lunch together and being really friendly, and never have 'succumbed' in that 'Lion's den'.

    Your condescending watchtowerish comments make me sick!

    And BTW, the rules have not worked that well when you consider that witnesses have been doing it like bunnies, with 50,000+ df'd per year mostly for fornicating. Add to that the surprisngly high amount of kids 'doing it' but not reporting it.

  • winstonchurchill

    Robert7: "You control your own destiny, not the great surveillance camera in the sky."

    Thanks Robert, you put in a phrase what I tried to in four paragraphs!

  • Simon

    Yeah, the WTS tries to put some crazy ideas in peoples heads and it does affect your behaviour if you let it.

    I sometimes give a girl at work a lift home and the first time was kind of a big deal for me because I couldn't remember being alone in a car with a girl for ages and it 'felt wrong'. Of course, that was just a hangover from JW days and there was nothing wrong with it at all. We enjoy a chat on the way and it's perfectly normal - much more so than the WTS approach which would be to let her walk home in a blizzard.

    It's called having friends and whether your friends are the same gender as you or not shouldn't really matter.

  • Robert7

    WinstonChurchill: Thanks. I got the 'surveillance camera in the sky' line from a Richard Dawkins quote that I love that retorts the idea that you must have God to be a good person. I have become a big believer in the idea that you control your own destiny. Obviously things happen out of your control, but a lot of things in life you do have control over, and can choose to make the right decisions to better (or worsen) yourself.

    Do you really mean to tell me the only reason you try to be good is to gain God's approval and reward, or to avoid his disapproval and punishment? That's not morality, that's just sucking up, applepolishing, looking over your shoulder at the great surveillance camera in the sky, or the still small wiretap inside your head, monitoring your every move, even your every base thought. - Richard Dawkins

    There's another quote I love that I cannot find exactly, but basically says "You do good because you fear God, I do good even though I don't believe in God".

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The word "chaperone" doesn't appear in the NWT babble. "Immorality" is nothing new, certainly not in the Greco-Roman world. One would think that Paul would have gone off on the subject, totally. But he didn't.

    In Watchtower world, they're even more controlling than the things Paul went off on. Since the Corporation condemns "self-abuse", frustration will run very high for those (either single or married) trying to live that purely. In case you were wondering, prayer doesn't help deflate arousal. Wearing loose clothes doesn't help any more than wearing tight clothes. So great, either you're frustrated if you don't, or guilty if you do. Many make unfortunate choices for marriage mates since the desire to get something is so strong, and the choice of available partners (dubs in "good standing") is rather limited. So then it often results in a less than happy marriage.

    But it's all about making the Corporation appear so super morally clean in contrast to the degraded "Satanic system". Really, there is no "spiritual paradise" to keep dubs out of temptation, so they need rules, rules, and more rules.

    With their understanding of the word "porneia", I think they should amend this chaperone rule to say that no two people of either sex should be alone together, and no person should be alone with an animal. Really, "accidental instantaeous sex" doesn't happen just between a man and a woman. In Beth-hell, I really thought some of those guys shouldn't be room"mates" without a chaperone at all times.

    B the X

  • Quirky1

    My sphincter just coughed...

  • reniaa

    Current public opinion is having a love affair with sexual immorality world-wide, denying this is foolishness.

    someone pointed out that the majority are df'd for fornication 40.000 or some such figure what does this prove?

    That people will fornicate anyway so we should let People have complete freedom as other christian religions do? self-monitoring being the name of the day and this has proved to work?

    the opposite is true time shows this doesn't work they just take full advantage of the freedom given.

    Fornication, sexual immoralty is on the increase, to stay pure till your married is considered laughable by the Public opinion's standard's

    the truth of if a religion truly follows Gods ways is how effected by man's opinion they are.

    Ephesians 5:3
    But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.

    1 Corinthians 6:18
    Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.

    1 Corinthians 10:8
    We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died.

    sexual immoralty is life and death with God to forget that is foolishness.

    This is not a small issue, would you put a drunk in a bar full of booze and tell him not to drink and give him complete freedom? By nature we seem to be drawn to immorality more than any other sin and to say we can have complete freedom and fall into this temptation is foolishness.

    Any parent knows what happens if you throw a group of idolescent kids together.

    Does any older ex-witness remember why two elders had to call instead of one on a single sisters? because of to many instances of elders getting drawn into immorality, the trust given to them was abused by their own imperfection.

    IT's to easy to say they are going to be immoral anyway so leave them to it and just tell them not to do it. when the price is life and death we owe more of a responsibility than that to our congregations.

    Strict? yes maybe but does the alternative work? absolutely not! as the gap widens between the christians religion that are lax over fornication and the ones that aren't.

    I would never join a christian faith that turned a blind eye to immorality with just a few words of caution to give lip-service to God.

  • drwtsn32
    I would never join a christian faith that turned a blind eye to immorality with just a few words of caution to give lip-service to God.

    Straw Man. Christian faiths don't turn a blind eye to it. They just aren't as controlling as the WTS. Face it, the WTS likes to control every aspect of a person's life. From what facial hair they can grow to who they can ride alone with in a car.

    Should it really surprise anyone that JW's used to call the WTS "mother"?

  • mrsjones5

    The church I attended in Indiana didn't turn a blind eye to it either. We had a children's ministry that ran along side with the sermon, so if any adult themed topics came up parents were encouraged to drop off the little ones. Any offsite activities for the children(from elementary to high school) were always chaperoned by adults who had submitted and approved background checks. I used to help in the toddler room and I had to submit a background check. None of that goes on at a hall and that's one of the reasons why I would never take my children to a hall.




    Current public opinion is having a love affair with sexual immorality world-wide, denying this is foolishness........Public opinion?..Say`s Who?..The WBT$?

    someone pointed out that the majority are df'd for fornication 40.000 or some such figure what does this prove?..Jehovah`s Witness`s are less moral than most..LOL!!

    This is not a small issue, would you put a drunk in a bar full of booze and tell him not to drink and give him complete freedom? By nature we seem to be drawn to immorality more than any other sin and to say we can have complete freedom and fall into this temptation is foolishness...So everyone is a Sex Addict like most Jehovah`s Witness`s?.....Thats just not so..You have to get out of the Kingdom Hall More often!

    Any parent knows what happens if you throw a group of idolescent kids together...Most kids will just have fun..Leave Jehovah`s Witness Kids alone and someone is going to get Pregnant!!..LOL!!

    Does any older ex-witness remember why two elders had to call instead of one on a single sisters? because of to many instances of elders getting drawn into immorality the trust given to them was abused by their own imperfection...You can`t trust JW`s of the opposite sex alone together..Yes,you` ve made your point!!

    IT's to easy to say they are going to be immoral anyway so leave them to it and just tell them not to do it. when the price is life and death we owe more of a responsibility than that to our congregations...Jehovah`s Witness seem to have a huge problem with immorality..You say 40,000 Unmarried Jehovah`s Witness`s each year are doing the horizontal bop!!..Thats why Jehovah`s Witness`s need so much policing!..They are Sex Crazed!!

    Strict? yes maybe but does the alternative work? absolutely not! as the gap widens between the christians religion that are lax over fornication and the ones that aren't...Jehovah`s Witness do seem to have an epidemic of Immorality..Maybe they should find a new religion?

    I would never join a christian faith that turned a blind eye to immorality with just a few words of caution to give lip-service to God...You don`t seem to mind Public talks about Oral Sex in a Place of worship,with children and toddlers present......If Jehovah`s Witness`s did`nt focus so much on Sex..Perhaps they would`nt have an epidemic of Immorality that has plagued them for decades!!..LOL!!......................................................OUTLAW

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