Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Well said, Outlaw.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Amen OUTLAW.

    I must admit that when I was a kool-aid drinking JW I totally bought the "the whole world is immoral and we are the only decent ones" thing. Then I grew up. I noticed all the disfellowshippings, the scandals of immorality. Then I met "worldly" people who had never had sex outside of marriage and never committed adultery.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa says:

    I would never join a christian faith that turned a blind eye to immorality with just a few words of caution to give lip-service to God.

    First off...just like all your generalizations of everyone outside of the witnesses...that simply is not true. You point regarding the WT- having their rules in place such as disfellowshipping and chaperoning...the WT leaders DO remind me of someone. When the nation of Israel were dispersed in 586/7 BCE and subsequently released those elders and leaders had a fear of repeating the same mistakes of idoloatry that led to this dispersion. So what did these leaders do? They formed rules and laws to prevent this from ever happening again. ANd what was the result? Jesus had the strongest of words for these religious leaders. We have the modern-day pharisee today in the WT leaders. Clean on the outside- dead man's bones on the inside. They are not clean, the cong is not clean. May are dfed showing it is not clean. Many who, according to WT policies, should be dfed are not. The org is anything but clean.

  • jamiebowers
    I would never join a christian faith that turned a blind eye to immorality with just a few words of caution to give lip-service to God.

    Well, Reniaa, you better stay away from the jws, then...they turn a blind eye to immorality ever time they insist on two witnesses to child molestation.

  • isaacaustin

    good answrrs outlaw..I was about to add to my points but you said it so well. And unlike JW elders who have no mandatory training, credentials or education my church's classes are run by those who have proper certification. Our pastors have appropriate credentials. They do not try to enter into areas not of their espertise, such as not reporting crimes but keeping it inside to protect the orgs name.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I deeply resent Reniaa's accusation that I am an animal that can not control my sexual urges. I've been married around 15 years and have NEVER even thought about cheating on my wife. Why? Not because I have to be monitored every second. As a matter of fact, I've traveled on business with female workmates and been alone in places with women that are not my wife.

    I don't cheat on my wife because I love her.

    Plus, I thought this thread was about not being alone with a member of the opposite sex not about "turning a blind eye to immorality". You always seem to change the subject.

    This is yet another example of the Pharisaical attitude of the WTS. We're too imperfect to follow Jesus' simple command so you have to set up a "hedge around the law".

    P.S. - The main reason elders are not allowed to go on sheparding calls alone is to protect the WTS from lawsuits surrounding accusations of abuse as well as provide the 2 witnesses needed for any JC action if a confession is made.

  • isaacaustin
    isaacaustin not take offense. What reniaa has done is something called projection. it is a defense mechanism where someone projects, or attributes their own bad trait (in this case uncontrollable sexual urges) to as to make themself feel better.

  • isaacaustin

    as usualy reniaa has run...


    "Hit and Run Reniaa"..LOL!!........Reniaa will be back..............We will still be here.....And ..So will my Question to Reniaa,on the thread about:The Public Talk about Oral Sex..............LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • winstonchurchill

    Well, I guess we'll have to avoid...

    ... being alone with cash at work, as we would give in to the uncontrollable urge of stealing.

    ... signing in 'Netflix', because we would rent porn.

    ... going to the bathroom without company as we would start masturbating

    ... having a roommate at Bethel, as we would give in to homosexual urges.

    Reniaa, all due respect, you are disgusting! Thank God you are not in my congregation because probably you would drive me out.

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