Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • reniaa

    This discussion is about whether the wts is enforcing rules too strictly and unnecessarily so but the reality just doesn't back you up. Wherever I examined religions who are lax on any of God's rules and don't rebuke just gave a basic 'tut tut don't do it again talk' the fruitage is they have tacitly accepted fornication as the norm certainly I see this with born again churches and C of E and baptists. Only fundamentalists religions still keep immorality an issue to keeping there congregations Clean, Jw's are one of these that keep a strictor moral line.

    I don't think saying 'it doesn't work so scrap it altogether' is the answer. I think we are as witnesses given a lot of freedom because no the elders are not in your homes 24/7 so it is upto us personally on this one to keep ourselves clean but they can preach a protection line, that reflects Gods own words which are very protective when it comes to these type of issues.

    isaac your personal attacks on me say more about you than they do me! You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I think we are as witnesses given a lot of freedom because no the elders are not in your homes 24/7

    You're joking, right?

  • isaacaustin

    This discussion is about whether the wts is enforcing rules too strictly and unnecessarily so but the reality just doesn't back you up. Wherever I examined religions who are lax on any of God's rules and don't rebuke just gave a basic 'tut tut don't do it again talk' the fruitage is they have tacitly accepted fornication as the norm certainly I see this with born again churches and C of E and baptists. Only fundamentalists religions still keep immorality an issue to keeping there congregations Clean, Jw's are one of these that keep a strictor moral line.

    My reply: It is not up to religions to 'enforce the rules' as you put it. Some churches may simply give the 'tut tut don't do it again', as you put it...mine does not. Not all do. Most churches are not as controlling as the WT. The WT's ways mirror those of the Pharisees- who had the right intent but the wrong methods. Jesus made this plain.

    I don't think saying 'it doesn't work so scrap it altogether' is the answer. I think we are as witnesses given a lot of freedom because no the elders are not in your homes 24/7 so it is upto us personally on this one to keep ourselves clean but they can preach a protection line, that reflects Gods own words which are very protective when it comes to these type of issues.

    My reply: All outside the org do not endorse the 'if it don't work scrap it'. And to the contrary- witnesses are not given a good deal of freedom. Members are to rat out members- big brother is watching. The magazines frequently guilt members into ratting out others, controlling their lives in a Pharasaical areas not spoken of in Scripture.

    isaac your personal attacks on me say more about you than they do me! You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable.

    My reply: I did not personally attack you Reniaa. I pointed out how your projection of negativity on all others outside the org is likely a propjection of your own insecurtiy and deeds. That is something reality shows to be true of ths statements you have made.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said:

    isaac your personal attacks on me say more about you than they do me! You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable.

    My reply: Need i remind you of the MANY speculative statements you made regarding others here, such as one poster who had a close relative dfed for speaking to her own son? Ring a bell?

  • drwtsn32
    not a single person addressed the scriptures I bought up which says a lot!

    No one is saying that fornication/adultery isn't condemned in the bible. The issue is with the picture the WTS paints in peoples' minds: that you *will* commit such sins; you have no control over yourself. You must have a chaperone at all times.

    It is almost as bad as the full-fledged cults that use the "buddy" system. You are not allowed to be away from your "buddy" at any time. Mormon missionaries practice this too. I'm sure the cults and Mormons think it is justified just like the WTS does.

  • verystupid77

    You know I think Rennia is a very self centered person who just enjoys stupidity. She see pedophiles in a great light and does not see any problem with them in the truth as from past posts. It was like oh my God how can she be so stupid.

    She loves to hijack posts to get attention. Just DO NOT RESPOND TO HER. When she post act like she is not there. She will soon tire of it. All she wants is attention. If you do not give it to her hopefully her stupidity will it her in her face.

    I do not mean to be mean but Rennia is mean. She does not have a clue what in the world she is talking about.

    Elders not at you home 24/7. How stupid is she?

  • isaacaustin

    right, the WT says "you will commit fornication" stay free of this you must join us and follow our directives to a tee.

  • drwtsn32


    I (and many others) don't mind responding to her. Try viewing this in a different light...arguing with reniaa is practice for arguing with other JWs.

  • drwtsn32
    You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable.

    reniaa is right on this point. Ad hominem attacks are a weak refuge. Use logic and reason instead.

  • isaacaustin

    drwatson that is advice Reniaa needs to apply. You may thing what I said to her was an attack on her. I was simply showing her how her broad blanket generalization is frequently a projecting of what oneself does not want to deal with.

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