Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    You must have a chaperone if you are to be alone with someone of the opposite sex, even briefly.

    Haha, I've thought that too. It's crazy how paranoid the dubs are about even giving someone a ride home in their car. "Sit in the back seat lest someone thinks we bumped uglies."

  • free2beme

    I swear happened to me with a 90 year old sister when I was 15 and once again when I was 23 with a 30 sister. We were sitting in a car group alone while someone was working a return visit, and next thing you know "wham" I was in and out in seconds. Hardly remembered it and I can not remember if there was oral or not. All I know is that 90 year old sister wore dentures.

  • reniaa

    You guys are so right People don't just have sex all over the place, it isn't all over tv adverts, and music video's, and marriage is as strong as ever and not on the way out. Also we don't get talk shows exploiting sexual proclivities of people, so people can watch at home enjoying jerry springer and the like.

    My friend just found out last year that his uncles wife who'd had three kids together just ran off with his uncle's brother. they had been meeting together at family gatherings and it went from there.

    Yes I agree if people are going to do it they will anyway but there is no need to throw them in the lion's den and say have fun. Protection is there to just give a pause to human imperfection on this.

    which is right and which is wrong? if given freedom to do as we will we would still avoid fornication and not get into alsorts of wrongdoing but is reality the case?

    In this I think the world aptly reflects the following scriptures and we can deny the reality that is our own choice.

    2 Timothy 3:3-5 (New International Version)

    3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

    you use ridiculous scenario's to avoid the issue.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Protection is there to just give a pause to human imperfection on this.

    No it's not - it's to provide protection from AIDS, STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

    IMHO that should be number 1 priority before worrying about religious or other considerations and hang-ups.

    (May be difficult, of course, if the sex really is accidental and instantaneous.)

  • middleman

    Joe wrote "No it's not - it's to provide protection from AIDS, STDs and unwanted pregnancy"

    I hate to tell you but condoms are not a sure fire way of protecting against STD's as well as pregnancy. Without being too visual here but condoms do break (I know couples with kids despite wrapping up) and not to mention that some "things" are not protected by the umbrella, and are left out in the rain. Someone (sexually active) tell me if you would sleep with someone that has HIV, even if you used the "best" condom. I just bet the number would be slim to none, at least in my little survey that's what I've heard.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy


    Point taken. I should more accurately have said 'to provide a degree of protection'.

  • Pistoff

    Reniaa said:

    "In this I think the world aptly reflects the following scriptures and we can deny the reality that is our own choice."

    The CONGREGATION reflects it, silly; that is the whole point of this thread. I grew up in the truth; the obsession with sex among the group is real. The witnesses have a mideastern religious attitude about sex, as the old quote shows.

    That is old, granted, but the men who read it in their 20's are still around and are likely the policy makers. They feel that this is the real truth that can't be printed "nowadays" due to political correctness. Meanwhile, they are repressed and just as horny as the young ones.

    Sex is biological, not doctrinal; sex has consequences, but it is not a spiritual violation.

    Grow up.


  • mouthy

    Smart girl Reniaa!! As long as you quote scripture you can count the time
    That was one of my ways to get pioneer hours in.
    Smart cookie!!!
    Do you make phone calls too? I did that also.. !
    Then me & my friend( we always did service together)
    Would stick the Watchtower in the car window( I couldnt drive,,, hubbys orders)
    and drive around all day & count time for it..That was after we had stood outside
    the subway holding up the magazines..before 9.a.m. When we were allowed to start
    door knocking. Go for it Reniaa, I am gonna call Bethel & let em know what a
    great advertiser you are ....GO GIRL!!!!!!

  • Robert7

    Along that line... I travel regularly for work, and many times would hang out at pubs and bars. If the world was full of sex-crazed people, why was it I was never hit on or seduced on the road, where I could have been 'temped by Satan'? And when I left the cult, nothing changed.

    The reason why, I wasn't looking for it and I didn't go to questionable places that would put my marriage in jeopardy. Looking back I did have women talk to me, and I did talk to women, but I showed no interest and they (or I) moved on. You control your own destiny, not the great surveillance camera in the sky.

    Same goes with 'worldly guys'. Why is it so many people in 'Satan's System' still can't get laid? Becuse it's not as crazy as the WT makes it out to be.

  • Robert7

    LOL, accidental sex is kinda like this. This video is from the SNL guys, and is HILARIOUS!

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