Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Going back to WC remarks about Joseph.... the question that comes into mind for me anyway is:

    --if Joseph was being harassed sexually for such a long time, why didnt he have an attendant or 3 always with him, after the first sexual approach by Potiphars wife?? He was in control of his masters house, he could have done it..yet he is set as an example of how loyal he was, wasnt neccessary if he would have protected himself,being sent to prison, but I guess he was set as an example for us so he was able to eventually take over rulership of the Egyptian nation... couldnt that have happened without the harassment??


    a few years back, an elder who was a widower, proposed to a sister and travelled everywhere with her alone... what happened to the chaperone rule there - only for some ---- granted he was over 60 and she was about 10 years younger, but loves shines bright at any age,yet this was allowed to go what does that teach impressionable ones..........kinda hypocritical, I would say

  • jws

    "If you say, 'I'm going to go down to 42nd street and commit a mortal sin', save the cab fare man, you did it". - George Carlin

    If a chaperone is the only thing keeping you from having sex I would think you already have a problem. You are already breaking the rules in your mind. You just haven't had the opportunity to act it out yet. Does God distinguish? Doesn't God read your heart? If you've already decided you're going to have sex the first chance you get, doesn't God know that? Does acting it out really make that big of a difference? Is God going to save you at Armageddon if all you're thinking about is how you'd love to do that good looking pioneer sister if only you could be alone with her?

    I want my kids to learn to do the right thing even when they're on their own. Apparently JWs are so lacking in faith that they can't even be trusted in simple everyday encounters to do the right thing.

    I've been going to a regional Burning Man. While I'm there camping, I have had women come to my camp and have been in the camps of women. Sometimes we've been alone. Some of them were clothed, others topless, others wearing nothing but a smile. Sometimes I was wearing something, sometimes all I was wearing was a smile. Yet even in such situations, it wasn't sexual. We didn't have to fight each other off. I was naked, alone with a naked woman and nothing happened. The only sex I ever had there was with my wife. And my wife has only gone twice. I've gone without her 5 times. During those 5 times, if I did something, I wouldn't have to worry about being caught. But I didn't.

    Either you want to or you don't. If a chaperone is the only thing keeping you from it, then maybe you're an addict.

  • loosie

    I wasn't allowed to drive in a car with a brother even if he was a minestrial servant. My mom thought we would do it at the stop lights. I'm fast but I'm not that fast.

  • rebel8

    We all have urges. It’s silly to think adults cannot control themselves; we control our impulses to do lots of things every day. We have complete control over when and with whom we have consensual sex.

    Teaching that is simply a technique of a high-control group:

    • You are inherently an amoral impulsive animal
    • Without us--our teachings, our chaperones--you will instantaneously devolve into your inherent state of debauchery and zero impulse control
    • Women are predators--they should be distrusted at all time and viewed as lower animals needing the control of a husband and elders (Youth book; Watchtower 1961 December 15 pp. 767-768)

    Lady Lee, I am going to start a separate thread about women being predators—interesting topic.

    Billy, you’re right, I think no one should be alone with plants either. I mean what about cucumbers! We should be in large groups at all times to avoid temptations.

  • reniaa

    not a single person addressed the scriptures I bought up which says a lot! instead you attack me or the wts as easier targets.

    Your argument is with God who put rules against immorality up there and made the leaders responsible for keeping the congregation clean.

    You say Jws suffer from cognitive dissonace but I've just read 4 pages of people trying to divert from how we as imperfect humans are falling more towards sexual immorality as the norm.

    Philippians 2:15
    so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe

  • rebel8

    This discussion is about what's in wts litter-ature and teachings, not what's in the Bible. Hence no mention of the Bible.

    If you want to talk Bible then please point out where it mentions:

    • accidental instantaneous sex (people have no impulse control)
    • chaperones as the solution to accidental instantaneous sex
  • winstonchurchill

    "made the leaders responsible for keeping the congregation clean."

    Last time I checked there are no leaders... Isn't Jesus our only leader?

    But, anyway... please point me to the bible verse instructing the leaders to keep 24/7 watch on people to make sure they don't give in to temptation.

    Yes, there are rules, and PERSONAL responsability.

    What I've seen is four pages of people that by choice (not because they're under surveillance) can control their primal urges. So stop impliying that we are trying to glorify sexual inmorality. And if you re-read our posts you'll find no less than a dozen points you have not addressed. Talk about diverting!

    Maybe you can't, and that's why you love being controlled and chaperoned. Maybe that's the conslusion here: that you are slave to your hormones.

  • sir82
    Maybe you can't, and that's why you love being controlled and chaperoned. Maybe that's the conslusion here: that you are slave to your hormones.


    So reniaa, is the only thing keeping you from fornicating like a hormonal rabbit the presence of at least one other person when you are near a man?

    Would the clothes start flying off the moment the door was closed, and Brother Frump was there alone with you?

  • isaacaustin

    not a single person addressed the scriptures I bought up which says a lot! instead you attack me or the wts as easier targets.

    Your argument is with God who put rules against immorality up there and made the leaders responsible for keeping the congregation clean.

    You say Jws suffer from cognitive dissonace but I've just read 4 pages of people trying to divert from how we as imperfect humans are falling more towards sexual immorality as the norm.

    Philippians 2:15
    so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe

    Reniaa, the verses you stated show immorality is worng. Ok, I agree. They do not show that the WT to be correct in their control methods. The relgious leaders in Jesus day tried those methods and jesus had the strongest words of rebuke for them.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, you sound like you feel very guilty about your own activities- which is to be expected of one like yourself who denies jesus in her life. Read Romans 8:1- 1 Hence, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

    You are not allowed to have Jesus by your leaders. Thus you feel condemned and still in your sins. I know you feel guitly which is why your are projecting your own sins and guilt to others here.

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