I just came from my elder's meeting

by BonaFide 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Whether or not this guy is legitimately telling the truth, or not - the point is that it brings up a very good subject in dealing with crazy situations that DO occur in the witness organization. The truth is always stranger than fiction - if this poster is pulling our legs- listen, the sun will still come up tomorrow . Don't sweat it. It's not going to change my life one way or the other

  • jwfacts

    In defence of BonaFide, I experienced similar. On several occasions sisters would be very forward and get very physical and it was only my scared inexperience that allowed me to stop before "fornication". Most sisters would keep it quite but a couple of the more emotional ones would feel guilty sometime later and go to the elders. I was the one in more trouble since they confessed, yet it was them that initiated it.

    Looking back I am disgusted at how this organization manipulates through guilt. I was still a virgin at 25, yet lived in constant guilt due to these episodes of loose conduct and every other little rule that I may have broken.

    Bona Fide, do yourself a favour and move on, Tell the elders where to go and if they want to d/f you consider it a blessing. Don't waste any more of your life with that heartless cult.

  • BFD

    If you're gonna lie you might as well just say you banged every single one of those whores and then make those bitches squirm a little for themselves. Let them deal with it. You're already toast.


  • treadnh2o

    JW Fact. You were a CO also?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    If you're gonna lie you might as well just say you banged every single one of those whores and then make those bitches squirm a little for themselves. Let them deal with it. You're already toast.


    Call an emergency elders meeting, tell them what BFD says above, (a little nicer) that your conscience got the better of you. You weren't lying about the grinding, you went all the way. Jehovah's holy spirit does work. All of these women begged you not to tell, but you just have to now.

    Phooey on all of them.

    If you had forced yourself on any of them, my stance would be so different. Humans are sexual beings. To always blame the male, is absurd. Women can be, and are very aggressive.

  • Satanus

    I don't see any reason why his story couldn't be true. A single traveling co would be hot stuff for affection challenged sisses. And, in many countries the women aren't as reserved as in most of the us and canada.

    Some here have a good point about owning up. It appears that the guy didn't go all the way, just a little hanky panky. Plus, he was being persued. Probably, being a bit more honest would make it go better for him w the elders. On the other hand, if he doesn't believe the wt crap anymore, he could just cancel any future meetings and tell the elders to go piss up a rope.


  • Vinny

    There is nothing you can do. If more than one person accuses you of the same thing in JW world, unless you have irrefutable proof they are all lying, you are TOAST.

    And that is that.

  • Finally-Free

    Don't tell them anything. If they call you tell them your sex life is none of their f*cking business and hang up the phone. Unless you're breaking a law your sex life is no ones business.

    Alternatively, you could meet with them, confess, and add the names of a few of the elders wives.


  • Vinny

    PS- And a "Circuit Overseer" would know this.

  • hillary_step

    This person is playing with you, but by all means waste your time, he obviously needs 'support'.


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