I just came from my elder's meeting

by BonaFide 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    I just gotta say, from the standpoint of never having been a dub, this organization is simply weird, bizarre, crazy. I simply can't fathom why anyone would let themselves be subjected to this kind of inquisition. Walk away on your own terms. Why allow a bunch of witch hunters the satisfaction of railroading you? I endorse each of Texman's posts. Take control of YOUR life, don't let anyone dictate how to live.

  • recovering

    I rather doubt the verisimilitude of his story. His statement about being a CO from a foreign country just does not ring true. Which country ? Why so young a man in this position?

    It also concerns me that he puts all the blame on the women involved.

  • veen

    Surely this guy knows what the deal is. Were he a regular shmoe this wouldn't be as big a deal, but a CO? Come on man. It's completely ridiculous that an adult human being can get into hot water for engaging in a totally natural activity. What I reckon has happened is this, these sisters have all tried to bag this dude because let's face it, in the weird and wonderful world of the JW he would be a trophy husband. They probably weren't interested that much in the slap and tickle at the time but were just pulling out all the stops to show him how up for it they were. In my neck of the woods it's the norm for you to instantly marry the first person you kiss at a party, and so these girls are probably just getting their revenge because he didn't play by the expected rules.

  • StAnn

    BF, here's what you do. Go into the elders' meeting with a list of all of the sisters you "ground." Tell the elders that y'all were having one of those banned WT studies, in preparation for the upcoming meeting, and someone asked a question about Malawi. You pulled out your copy of Crisis of Conscience and began reading aloud from it. The sisters were all so turned on that you were manly enough to read that book in front of them that they lost control and threw themselves on you. You had one big ol' grinding session with all of them at once. Afterward, they all lazed around, smoking cigarettes and drinking glasses of wine, while you read the entire book aloud to them. They swore a secret vow as a group to follow you instead of the GB. Problem is, now they've moved on and married elders in the cong. and they're bored with their milktoast husbands. They've made a pact to come forward about your grinding sessions in hopes that you'll once again thrill them with your manliness and get up on the platform at the KH in your official capacity as C.O. and inform the entire congregation that the WTS is a snare and a racket. They want you to tickle their ears with a little apostasy, give them their fix.

    Girls just wanna have fun.


  • Kosonen

    I served in un other country also. I maid my best in the service. It was not appreciated anyway by the elders who felt inferior. I think you will have big problems with your elders. Why not study my webpage www.freewebs.com/scripturalanswers and next time you meet your congregation´s elders you trouble them with some very simple new truths they will not be able to deny. May be they will disfelloship you as an apostate but before you get disfellowshiped use the time effectivelly to spread new bible truths. You will have at least 2 weeks. After that you continue to go to the meetings once a week and they will be remembered of what you have said.

    A did like that, I asked every one I could: According to the Revelation we are living during the second woe, the cavalry. And do you remember what is the next woe coming after the second? Usually nobody remembers. Then you say it is the birth of God´s Kingdom, the third woe.

    So God´s kingdom´s birth is after the second woe. That they will never forget. And you have helped them come nearer the truth.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    If I can put some of the doubters at ease, I have spoken with BF on the phone and his story did seem to have the ring of truth. I too served in a foreign country, and since the need is so great you can get appointed to things at a young age. I was a naive PO at 25 and a spec pioneer.

    He is a real person going through this angst... I dont agree with his desire to stay in the org, and I have told him so, since I think its a waste of time. But he's gotta make his own decisions and live with them.


  • mouthy

    I am a little amazed that a CO was 26... Has anyone else heard of such young ones?
    Personally ! If you were a CO I am shocked at the grinding.... You evidently didnt really believe Jehovah saw all.... i know the witness girls are really searching for husbands. But to let them -or you- be used for a cheap thrill amazes me.
    I am out now since 1987...& this shocked me. Still feel that CO's were trying to fill the postion they were put in. I am friendly with JOHN WYATT an ex CO .His wife & he suffered GREATLY in the preaching of the "LIE" ( thinking it was Gods will) I know they went through a hell as a JW.

    Just leave the Organization... Dont even bother with the sitdown with the accusers.

  • purplesofa

    I thought about my post calling BF a liar, I thought ok, what if he is telling the truth?

    This could be a sad and typical product of JW upbringing.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    If A at G talked to BF, and A at G said it has a "Ring of truth" or whatever, fine... A at G has more street cred around here.

    In the greater scheme of things, this story is not going to impact my life personally one way or the other...

    but as HS said....probably pulling our leg... would not be the first time this has happened around JWD..and wont be the last...

    Snakes () ...moving on to something more interesting...

  • golf2

    My last disfellowshipping was a blessing in disguise. Like you, these elders where determined to get me, so they did, how? They both decided that I wasn't telling the truth and I was faking it. Yes, they decided for me. When this happened, the light bulbs went on. I knew I had a clean conscience. Their thinking for me was the turning point for my wife, she no longer went to congregational meetings. She was never disfellowshipped.

    You've been given lots of good info to think about, I wish you the best.

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