I just came from my elder's meeting

by BonaFide 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • distazo


    Know this. Either stick to the watchtower rules, or leave.

    There rules: There are according to the 'elder-book' three levels of bad behavior.

    - flirting (eg) while you don't want to marry a sister, is bad behavior
    - kissing and touching any of the three parts of her, or she with your 'part' is sexual uncleaness.
    - touching and causing an orgasm, with the other part -is- porneia for which you can be excommunicated.

    So, if you don't like to be married, and take responsability for flirting and more, accept that those JW-sisters, will cause havoc.

    Second, I'd not stay with this cult for a second.

    Leave them rotting, they don't want help, except from the governing body. It is a part of 'babylon the great' that punishes her own members with plagues (for instance, sisters that won't have a child, cannot marry, but die and burn of desire, to be married and have a family).

    Consider this, take responsability for your life, don't stand in two countries, -watchtower land- or -your land, that you can create-

    if you don't you'll get hurt a lot more.

  • tijkmo
    Probably, being a bit more honest would make it go better for him w the elders

    haha this is a joke right....lets face it ..most elders have never been pursued by sexually agressive sisters so they will always blame the man.

  • sparrow

    Jehovah is bulls$%t so start grinding for real and lie your arse off I say...

  • mustang
    most elders have never been pursued by sexually agressive sisters so they will always blame the man.

    Been there, done that!!! And they'll turn "state's evidence" (or go back the other way) in a heartbeat.

    That dumb-bus pack of eLDER's doesn't have a clue of the mischief they are dealing with. Seven of these gals? Probably the tip of the iceberg.

    Dub-land is so fatally flawed


  • mustang
    plagues (for instance, sisters that won't have a child, cannot marry, but die and burn of desire, to be married and have a family).

    Yes, this is that iceberg. The eLDER's need to address THIS; one guy flirting around is not the problem. It ultimately boils down to the real undesireability of the whole religion. Men see this and get out, leaving the 'raging sea of hormones' to be the women.

    But the ELDER's can't even begin to get a handle on this. It's easier to patch it up with wiping out one popular guy.


  • reniaa

    I've looked at this posting its more complicated than face value, mainly the "all the ladies came onto me" statement bonafide you are placing all the blame on others even in this forum which is slightly worrying, are you saying because they came to your home they are basically the ones that initiated it?

    You don't mention if the sister that accuses you is a disgruntled ex you had fun with or just a random sister you have had nothing to do with?

    Now you could be totally innocent it's really hard to judge not knowing the full information from all sides but you remind of an episode my ex had in the world basically he nearly lost his job because he was accused of sexual harassment, now to this day he believes he was innocent and that is his perspective and mine at the time but he's had other jobs since and girls started coming upto me and saying your hubby asked me to join his porn site and he makes rude jokes (these are none-jw girls and some laugh with him and others told me because they thought he was over-the-top with it) I divorced him for other reasons and now a number of years after the fact he has a new partner and we keep in contact because of our son, Lately I am suddenly in receipt of his dodgy sexual jokes I usually just tell him to give over and change the subject. But it has made me realise the 16 year old girl that accused him at the time really had had cause because to her this was him being overtly sexual in a way that is offensive, to reiterate he only said things never touched any women or had sex with them, it's his idea of being funny. And if i had this convo with him now he would still say he was innocent so what do you guys think?

    I would say on the face of it you are innocent bonafide but your statement did make me wonder so I gave you an example in my life were things are neither black or white but can be grey,

    i do agree with above posters that you may have been flirting around to much.

    i'm assuming all the ladies concerned are ex-girlfriends you had over the years that for whatever reason didn't get to marriage or engagement point?

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