I am the Faithful and Discreet Slave

by jwblog 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • shamus100


    Have you ever had a vision whilst taking a shower?

  • jwblog


    Have you ever had a vision whilst taking a shower?

    Yes I looked up at the shower head and noticed that it was pouring out water in small but steady streams, lol.

    Have a good night :) I have one question for you, exactly who are you. Burt might get angry for you using his image and talking with God :) Are you a young person or passed the blume of youth? How about male or female? Why dont you show your real face?
  • shamus100

    May I pick out your wedding dress?

  • jwblog
    May I pick out your wedding dress?

    No sorry you may not. You are talking in reference to the bride correct? God takes care of all of my matters. He knows who you are remember :)

  • shamus100

    Do you think he remembers me more than a sparrow or less than a sparrow?

  • jwblog
    Do you think he remembers me more than a sparrow or less than a sparrow?

    This was an illustration GOD loves all of His creations. I myself hate when I see anything that has lost its life even if it is a small spider. People view creations in a lesser way than GOD does. They take His creations for granted and do not appreciate a being that can cause something inanimate to come alive. Anything living is wonderful just take the time to notice. GOD loves you with intensity and there is no reason to make comparison to one life verses another. Look at the example of Jonah and the tree. Even a plant that has life is of worth.

  • shamus100

    So you're saying god loves me as much as a spider.

  • jwblog
    So you're saying god loves me as much as a spider.

    No I did not say that. If you care to discuss a more in-depth topic, I will respond, however I suspect your motive :) You can email me if you care to, just message me and I will respond. Have a great night.......

  • shamus100

    You're not very perceptive, are you?

  • jwblog
    You're not very perceptive, are you?

    Yes I am, I have read your blogs but put up with you like the bible says to do. You are a very cynical person are you not?

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