I'm new too!

by Annointeds Daughter 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Dear AD, so happy you are having doubts about the organization. I know how you feel about the thought of losing your family and all your relatives. Every relative I have and family all expect three are all JWS on both sides of our family. I was a fourth generation witness.

    I could kick myself in the ass every time I think of how more than half my life was given to the WTS. but I thought it was God until I began to realize the lies the GB were telling and or not telling us. It has been difficult to lose those you love. Even family that you may have not gotten along with, like me. There are certain members of my family I don't particularly concern myself with because even as a witness nothing I did was good enough. I was forever critized for not doing enough not getting out in the service regualarly and meetings. I was just to them a facade of a christian. Thank God they are not my judges and jury . I would have been dead along time ago.

    I even pioneered and served in Quebec when the WTS needed help to increase the witnesses in that province I was there from 1970 - 1984. Then after that my nightmare with my family started all over again.

    Because my family kept me under a microscope and it made me crazy until the day I said that is that I am leaving this religion lock stock and barrel. I even divorced my over zealous crazy husband, who didn't do anything anyway with my son and me. All his efforts were preach read, preach go to meetings, preach go in the service day and night and that is all he ever did. Even if he were sick he would make a big entrance so everyone one could see how faithful he was. What a farce and anyway he was only fooling himself as the elders knew he was not a nice man and was mean and cruel with words to myself and our son. Today my son has nothing to do with his father. The one great thing is my son never became a witness, he saw through thehypocrisy and my family's hyprocisy and wanted nothing what so ever to do with any of them. He even told them to leave my mother alone, what did you ever do for her. And he said that to my sisters and their husbands. He even used the F word with,

    My parents became witnesses when my father sobered up in 1963 he was a violent fierce man who had no respect for himself our his family until the say the doctor told him sober up or your going to die, and I was a good girl going to church faithfully every weekend mostly alone (my parents did n't believe in anything and so they thought it was good that I wanted to go to church )then I started going to the Anglican church with my grandma by the year 63 rolled around. My world changed and I had no control over it , and even when I could have left I was locked into the fear factor. My dad was an elder and my mother was an elderette. I was fat and they hated me. they didn't even talk to me for several years. That is another story.

    I surely don't miss any of it. I was married to a second man during the last nine years he was my guardian angel and now he is gone to be in a far grander place in the universe peaceful and in no more pain.

    So I share your joy and also understand the pain that you will have to go through, but know that everyone of us here have been throw pretty much the same thing and are here for you whenever you need to chat or looking for answers.

    It will be nice to hear from you more often .

    God bless you and hubby alt


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Well done for making it out of the mind control, Annointeds Daughter. And well done tooktheredpill. It's so great that your marriage won't be destroyed by the WTS.

    Go easy on your family. Asking for their "help" with queries rather than showing facts is the way to go.

  • Dagney

    Welcome to the board! And thank you for sharing your story.

    You will find kindred spirits here to help you along your way. Best of all things to you and your hubby!

  • Hiddenwindow


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Fellow son of an "anointed" one here...

    Glad you took the red pill along with your hubby. I hope I can get my wife to do the same, but she is still as blind as ever.


  • Layla33

    I'm a little late, but your post makes me smile. There are husband's and wives who are going through the process of one spouse finding out and hoping their other spouse catches on. I think this gives a few in here hope.

    Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay.

    You are amongst friends. True friends.

  • Hope4Others

    Sorry I missed the boat,

    Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

    Its wonderful to see another couple together on the same pages.



  • lavendar

    Welcome Anointeds Daughter!

    So happy for you that you've discovered the REAL truth about "the truth"! I imagine it is pretty shocking & disheartening at first.....but just think of this as the start of your NEW LIFE. It's great, too, that you have each other for moral support!

    All the best to you!


  • jaguarbass

    Hello Annointeds daughter. Welcome to the board. If your name describes your life, that must have been a trip. Sorry.

    But we have all been injured and maimed by the tower in some way.

    Were all carring baggage.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    You will get a lot of support here. I left just months ago after realizing that the Organization was not the 'truth'.I left with my husband and youngest son. We are so much happier. The transition isn't easy...but knowing others agree and know what you are going through is a BIG help.

    xxx SC

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