I'm new too!

by Annointeds Daughter 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    welcome to normality

    stick around and keep posting

    my wife and I came out about a year ago and no regrets....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The tool they use is emotional blackmail - not unlike the cheating spouse who announces that 'if you leave me you will lose your children, home, and income'.

    I often wonder: If the Watchtower would drop just this single barrier to dignified exit, would the crowds just stream out? The single most devastating aspect of this group is the pain they ensure you must feel to leave.

    Welcome to the forum and thanx for sharing. We look forward to seeing your posts.


  • llbh

    Welcome to JWD

    Enjoy yourself here it will help you to understand how to cope with what you are goung through and make sense of thing


  • quietlyleaving

    nice to meet you Anointed's daughter

    I'm so glad you are disconnected and free. But the grieving process is pretty intense. Let it happen.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Greetings fellow child of an anointed.

  • AnnOMaly

    Welcome, Annointeds Daughter.

    I think there is extra baggage to contend with when there's 'anointed' in your family. For instance, when coming to the conclusion that the Bible doesn't really teach 2 destinies for faithful Christians, it almost feels like you're negating your relative's experience of their special calling, the sacrifices they've made and are still prepared to make, etc. That conclusion doesn't matter so much if you don't know an 'anointed' personally, but when it's your own flesh and blood, and your whole family has this 'privilege' to have members of the 'FDS class' among them ... it's different somehow. So you have my sympathy.

  • jgnat

    Welcome Anointed's Daughter! I always do the happy dance when couples exit together. When you have a moment, I'd like you to tell me what RedPill did right in helping you see the light.

    The Book Study with the book about Revelation was also an eye opener. I can't believe this is the 4th time that we study that book and how absurd it sounds to me now. How I believed all that nonsense before without a doubt is still a shocker to me!

    I wondered when the book was announced what effect it would have on the congregation. I'm just helping my hubby finish up the study now. For me, it's disgusting how every chapter and verse is used to condemn Christendom. Especially last week, when the topic is the wedding of the purified Church and Christ. And what does the study talk about? Destruction of Babylon. Ad nauseum. Get off the destruction already, what are we building?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    WELCOME !!! Glad to have you here, AD!


    Let Freedom Ring !!!

  • Honesty

    It's so thrilling to learn that families have the ability to stick together like glue and abandon the sinking SS WACKTOWER ship at the same time.

    Welcome to the forum.

    We look forward to hearing how enlightening it was to be around one of the JW's anointed.

    My ex-SIL is also one of the JW anointed.

    She shuns me better than any JW I have ever met, even did it in front of a packed courtroom one sunny morning.

  • free2think

    Welcome to JWD

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