Your most memorable Kingdom Hall meeting disruptions!

by easyreader1970 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    1- an elderly sister died in the bathroom

    2-a mentally disturbed man marched up to the platform and was escorted out by two brothers

    3-When I was 3 years old we attended a KH in a very old dilapitated building. My dad was the cong. servant (long time ago) and was giving a talk. A bat landed on my arm and I screamed. My dad left the stage, came over and spanked me and went back and continued his talk.

    4- the telephone line that is pipped in for the infirm picked up a radio signal and during the public talk you could faintly hear a baseball game being broadcast


  • Tuesday
    3-When I was 3 years old we attended a KH in a very old dilapitated building. My dad was the cong. servant (long time ago) and was giving a talk. A bat landed on my arm and I screamed. My dad left the stage, came over and spanked me and went back and continued his talk.

    Did he get dinged for going over his time on the talk?

  • AlmostAtheist

    One congregation I attended had terrible old sound equipment and it would occasionally pick up broadcasts. I don't think it was just radio, more like CB or something more one-on-one, since that's what it sounded like. Right in the middle of the meeting, there'd be some good-ol'-boy talking to his buddy over OUR speakers.

    Fun stuff!


  • CaptainSchmideo

    At my old hall, our sound system sometimes picked up incredibly strong Citizen's Band transmissions (remember those?) "BREAKER BREAKER!!!" It would definitely wake you up.

    At the same hall, a traffic accident up the block. Tires squealing, sound of impact. Several of us went out to "help" before the police arrived....

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    We had a guy that came to our hall for a while that was quadroplegiac (sp?). One Sunday, during the WT study, he began to throw up. I'm talking about a prodigious amout of puke here, like a fountain. This began a chain reaction, with other attendees rushing to the bathroom with their hands clamped over their mouths. The image was burned into my young mind for quite some time & I had difficulty eating for a while because I couldn't shake it.

  • greenhornet

    I remember when the circuit overseer would always run over on Sunday around 12:15 he was still talking. Just then a metal handicap young man would yell "when we going to lunch?"

  • thom

    In 40 years of going to the KH nothing more than the same experience AlmostAtheist describes with the mics picking up CB's, and a few times the power going out. Neither of those was all that much of a disruption, we must have been too tired to fight.

  • restrangled

    I remember when one of the Elder's sons was given his first big public talk.....After about 10 minutes he turned pure white and fainted dead away on the stage......he came to pretty quickly but had to be escorted off the platform....someone else finished the talk.

    The most hilarious episode was during a service meeting.....the fellow to give the next talk ran to the bathroom first, and then proceeded up the aisle from the back with about a 4 foot trail of toilet paper clinging to one of his shoes. He got up onto the platform with it and one of the "microphone" guys pulled it off.

    I don't think anyone heard a word he said.

    The worst was my own dad.....I won't relay the story here.


  • Zico

    "3)A young brother who had the bible reading did not read it but he sang it. The brothers didn't stop him. The folks that were not paralyzed from shock excused themselves because they were laughing so hard."

    Hilarious! Did he have a good voice?

    The only one I can think of is a Ministerial Servant with epilepsy was giving a Public Talk and his nerves caused him to have a fit on stage, which was a shock to the audience.

  • jaguarbass

    I remember a book study back in Cleveland in the 60's a sister stood up and died. That was the end of that meeting.

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