Your most memorable Kingdom Hall meeting disruptions!

by easyreader1970 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Was anybody else present at a big Assembly at Twickenham , London ...I think back in the eighties.

    Two youths vaulted the boundary at the far end of the field and sauntered the length of the playing field whooping and hollering and waving to the crowd.

    The speaker carried on manfully as the two came closer and closer . They approached the stage from the front and still the speaker continued without a break in his delivery. As they got on stage, and near the microphone the audience started clapping, not applause but in an attempt to drown them out .

    At that moment from behind the stage, there sprang a whole squad of security attendants and a large security dog. the lads were bundled off and not seen again. The clapping now turned to applause.

    After that security was beefed up and attendants surrounded the stage all the time and on lookout. A local Bro just dismissed it saying in conversation to me, "They're a mad lot down on Eel Pie Island!"....a noted haunt of "hippies" at the time and a place steeped in rock music history.......

    BTW Thanks for a hillarious thread...

  • straightshooter

    I remember a brother who was sleeping during the public talk and suddenly woke up and stood up and said "Amen". I also remember a young child who ran to the front of the kh followed by his parent.

  • d

    I remember seeing a sister saying stupid Jackass, and damn. Everbody went quiet for 2 minutes.

  • Bella15

    Oh dear! I am at the office LMBO ... and I am not even done with the page 1.

  • Magwitch

    In the late 70's my brother was in the same hall as Norman Zenke. I am not sure if Norman was the PO at the time. Anyway, during the Service Meeting announcements, Norman had another announcement he needed to give to the brother on stage. So instead of going up on stage and speaking to him or handing him a note. He gets down on his hands and knees and crawls up on stage and hands the brother a note from his doggy position and then crawls back to his seat. I beleive he thought no one could see him down there on the floor.

  • DT

    Someone came in off the street. He danced during the song. Later he went up to a "brother" and took his Bible. The "brother" got mad, followed him and took his Bible back. Shortly afterwards, he was escorted from the building.

    The played the wrong song once, but almost everyone sang the words for the correct song. Some didn't even seem to notice.

    A "brother" was giving a demonstration and dropped his Bible. Then he almost caught it, but just knocked it back into the air. This must have happened another three or four or more times. He had crutches so he couldn't actually go after it. It just kept dancing on his fingertips. He finally caught it. I felt like cheering, but didn't.

    An elder said organism instead of orgasm during a local needs part. I'm not sure he even knew what an orgasm was. He was reading a quote and didn't seem to understand it.

    During an assembly, some of us had to sit on bleachers. A kid slipped through them and fell to the ground. His mom started to scream and run down the bleachers. She tripped and broke her arm. The son was uninjured. The circuit overseer was giving the talk and didn't pause for the disturbance. He later told me that he wasn't sure if that was the appropriate response.

    When I was very young, we had some some Bible dramas at the meetings. I don't know if other congregations did this too or not. My older sister played Jezebel for one of them. I thought that was pretty funny. I got to play one of the dogs that ate her. We were given funny hats that were supposed to make us look like dogs. She was thrown off the stage and we gathered around and pretended to eat her. However, she warned us before hand to not touch her or even to get very close, so it probably looked kind of stupid when we all pretended to eat her from a distance.

  • finallysomepride

    really LMAO

    so many funny stories & also some very sad stories

    I must have gone to some really boring congregations bcoz nothing like these happened in mine.

    or my memory is failing me LOL


  • lilbluekitty

    Lots of things disrupted the meeting when I was younger, and even a few times when I got older.

    When I was a teenager a little red-haired girl yelled out "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" while her dad was giving a talk. He had to stop for a second because he was blushing like crazy.

    My mom told me the story of some brother who handled mics who went to the bathroom and had the mic in his back pocket. Well he thought he turned it off but he left it on so during the Watchtower study she said you could hear him peeing, flushing and washing his hands while the paragraph was being read. When he came back he didn't know why everyone was staring at him and turning red and laughing until the speaker said "Well at least he washed his hands." Wooo I wish I had been there, that sounds pretty awesome LOL.

    Kids were always taken out to get spanked in the dreaded "back room", including my sister and I. Sometimes, in the KH I went to when I was little, since the bathroom was downstairs, you could hear the kid getting spanked during the meeting, and the mom or dad yelling at the kid saying "I TOLD you not do do such and such."

    There were very few Memorial mishaps, strangely enough.

    Supposedly the ceiling fell in during a song when my aunt was young and they think it had to do with the sister playing the piano (this was back in the 60s or 70s) too loudly. LOL.

    I know brothers whose prayers went on and on and one in particular, I think it was Bro. Karamelis must've had Alzheimer's or something because his prayer went on so long and he kept saying the same things over and over that two brothers went up and escorted him off the platform and someone else finished the prayer.

    The lights went out during a crazy thunderstorm right before the final song. A bro. stood up on the platform and was holding a flashlight and was asking if anyone wanted to sing acapella but nobody could see their song books so they just ended the meeting, no final prayer or anything.

    I've got more, I'll probably come back to this thread later, hilarious stuff guys!!

  • mamochan13

    a long-suffering sister had a wordly husband who was an alcoholic. One meeting he came in halfway through the Watchtower study and quite respectfully put up his hand. The guy on stage asked the "brother in the back". The worldly husband slurred, "who is this Jehovah you keep talking about?" the guy on the platform realized his mistake and tried to ignore him, moving on to someone else with their hand up. The husband began to grumble louder and louder, asking "why won't he answer my questions?" Finally several attendants escorted him out forcibly and his embarrassed wife followed.

  • Bangalore

    Great stories.


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