Do you need help finding Jesus?

by real one 179 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • real one
    real one

    God's love protects you. We should have a healthy fear of God...loving. He created us and if we take the time we can get to know him and all the bad feelings will be washed away

  • Hortensia

    one of the signs of an abusive person is that he can't hear you say "no." Real one is acting like an abusive person - trying to force his beliefs on us, and calling us names to belittle us because we don't agree, and refusing to get off the topic even though it couldn't be more clear that most of us here aren't interested. I'm not going to read any more threads by or about this person. Don't feed the trolls, eh?

  • sweetface2233

    Real one, I suggest that you read this thread. It is the personal story of a member here who goes by the alias of TJ-iamCleared2Land.

    After reading it, could you please come back and let everyone here know how you can justify that a loving God would permit the suffering of him and his innocent siblings?

  • bigdreaux

    real one, i ask you to watch this, and tell me what you think.

    by the way, welcome to the board.

  • real one
    real one

    sweetface i think that was one of the most horrible stories i have ever heart goes out to him. God is in control even though we may not understand everything he does or allows. He is in control. I am in no position nor will I ever be in a position to judge God. He created us so He knows what he is doing

  • sweetface2233

    Real one, I am glad that you took the time to read that story. I saw the thread several times, but due to it's length, passed over it. I finally had a reason to read through it and I cried myself to sleep that night because of the pain that he and his siblings endured for so long. It puts into perspective how most of us have absolutely no idea what actual suffering is.

    It pains me that people have mentioned on this board, on TV, and in magazines that they were having financial problems, prayed to God, and the next day someone anonymously gave them $100, but poor, darling children pray to God, crying till they vomit, and NOTHING happens. I view praying and belief in God as a placebo. You get the same result thinking there is a God as you do believing in yourself, taking action, and bettering the situation.

    I think everyone has the right to believe what they want. However, I DON'T believe that anyone has the right to force their beliefs on others. That goes for believers, as well as non-believers. If you are truly joyous in your "findings" and beliefs, please feel free to post your PROOF. Internal happiness is not proof. I, and many others here, possess that quality, but I have no proof that there is no God due to it.

  • free2beme

    Godly fear is really just another tool to control people.

    "Your going to do as I said, even though I speak for God?"

    "Wouldn't you want to make God happy, by listening to the word of God as I explain it meaning to you"

    Yeah, I know what Godly fear is and how it is used. I used to be a Witness and thus I am not ignorant to the use of Godly fear to control people ... are you?

  • mouthy

    and all the bad feelings will be washed away < real one said

    But that really isnt true ...I consider myself a Christian ( many doubt it) & all my bad feelings dont disappear. because the Flesh is weak my spirit is willing. I am Constanly having to apologise to MY GOD for "OOPS" that I do. Have done to some on here, some have forgiven me & they were Atheists...You remember the old say "to forgive is divine"??So let us not preach that if we come to Christ. All those "OLD" feelings will be banished. Yes !we become a NEW CREATION,but that is only because we recognise a personal relationship & do not have to follow ANYONE at all. He changes from the inside out....

  • mouthy

    and all the bad feelings will be washed away < real one said

    But that really isnt true ...I consider myself a Christian ( many doubt it) & all my bad feelings dont disappear. because the Flesh is weak my spirit is willing. I am Constanly having to apologise to MY GOD for "OOPS" that I do. Have done to some on here, some have forgiven me & they were Atheists...You remember the old say "to forgive is divine"??So let us not preach that if we come to Christ. All those "OLD" feelings will be banished. Yes !we become a NEW CREATION,but that is only because we recognise a personal relationship & do not have to follow ANYONE at all. He changes from the inside out....

  • mouthy

    and all the bad feelings will be washed away < real one said

    But that really isnt true ...I consider myself a Christian ( many doubt it) & all my bad feelings dont disappear. because the Flesh is weak my spirit is willing. I am Constanly having to apologise to MY GOD for "OOPS" that I do. Have done to some on here, some have forgiven me & they were Atheists...You remember the old say "to forgive is divine"??So let us not preach that if we come to Christ. All those "OLD" feelings will be banished. Yes !we become a NEW CREATION,but that is only because we recognise a personal relationship & do not have to follow ANYONE at all. He changes from the inside out....

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