Do you need help finding Jesus?

by real one 179 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LouBelle

    okay far too many posts to read....

    Mouthy - hope you feeling better gran!!!

    real one - I understand your state of euphoria and that you feel you need to spread this gospel? But who told you to spread it? Was it a command, do you honestly feel the spirit prompting you?? I ask this because my belief is that each individuals' path is just that , it's unique, you unfortuately cannot save people because their salvation is in their own hands.

    I'm one that doesn't go to nor do I need a church - I'm not there to be taught by men.

    I just hope you are a strong one.

  • cyd0099

    "Its like magic. You read about him and he becomes real."

    Like the Velveteen Rabbit.

  • mouthy

    Loubelle >Mouthy - hope you feeling better gran!!! I am feeling a lot better today.Boy! it was a rough couple of weeks. Thanks for asking ((((((HUGS))))

  • real one
    real one

    matt 28: 18-20 Jesus came to them and said: I have been given all authority in heaven and earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always even until the end of the world.

    I feel the Spirit prompting me. Salvation is through Jesus Christ. If you are saved you cant help but spread the gospel. Jesus saves!

    Caedes: He created you, you obviously learned about him but decided He was not real

  • Caedes

    Real one,

    Ok, we have established that your god created me, so I ask you again, who are you to question his wisdom in creating me as I am?

    Yes, I have studied the bible and learnt all about god, that in no way detracts from the fact that your god created me as an atheist.

  • LouBelle

    real one - each to their own love - I do admire your zeal. Hey as long as it's not hurting anyone preach away you are only sharing your opinion like the rest of us.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You don't seem to mind talking about it, so, let me ask, how does it feel to be a "vessel of wrath prepared for destruction"?

    I'm not judging because I'm not sure you are, but, you seem to think so.

  • Rooster

    Real One

    If you are searching for Jesus I may be able to help you find him. He is in the Bible. Its like magic. You read about him and he becomes real. Try it I did. No one can tell me different. I know from my own experiences he is in my heart. The truth is Jesus Christ! 1Timothy2:5-There is only one God and Christ Jesus is the only one who can bring us to God. Jesus was truly human and he gave himself to rescue all of us.

    Now tell me how anyone can read those words, study the Bible, and not have the power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives? You must ask for it?

    So we can assume you are not a JW!

  • Caedes


    Since I am an atheist and I believe the bible is nothing more than an old book, I have no problem with whatever vengeful acts of fiery torment your god has planned for me.

    Are you worried that santa might not come down your chimney this year? Are you concerned that you might not get to dine in valhalla if you don't die in battle? Are you concerned about your lack of faith in the hundreds of other gods that people worship? My lack of belief in your god is exactly comparable to your lack of belief in other omnipotent deities.

    Since I doubt I have answered the question to your satisfaction, feel free to restate your question.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Just asking. It's your nickel.

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