If you believe in Evolution then your a fool! God really is REAL!

by Blackboo 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go
    God is Love and all powerful and it shows in all the living things of the earth.

    Especially in the flies that lays it's young on ants. Who then proceed to eat it's brain till the head falls off and then use it's head as a cocoon.

  • mavie


    Where did God come from? God would have to be more complex then his creation, right? Now, what is more plausible?

    Also, evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> First nothing cannot decide what to do

    Interesting. How was it decide what a particular snowflake would look like? Does God REALLY trouble himself with figuring that out? On every planet in the whole universe? Dude's got some time on his hands...

  • DT

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that you are using the concept of God to fill in the gaps of your knowledge. That's fine, as long as you define God as being what you don't understand. If you arbitrarily assign certain traits to this "God" then I think we start having logical problems. I won't tell you to not believe in God, but it might be a good idea to reduce the gaps of your knowledge. Many unexplained events were attributed to God in the past that now have reasonable physical explanations (like gravity and physical laws). Things like evolution and cosmology are more reasonable than you might realise. If you do more research, you may be able to ask better questions and make more convincing arguments, instead of getting distracted by things that aren't really relevant to your argument.

  • veradico

    "Creation" says that stuff suddenly came into existence from nothing by God (who is non-material). To my mind, it's more silly to say that matter came from spirit (which is so different from matter and undetectable that it can never be studied or even proven to exit) than to say that matter sprang into existence from empty space and that order arose spontaneously from disorder. Real science does not say anything on the subject because such a thing cannot be tested as of yet. However, there are theories. On a quantum mechanical level, in accord with the uncertainty principle, particles do spring into and out of existence spontaneously, and order arises spontaneously. From these facts, and given enough time (more time, by the way, than any reasonable person could claim to be able to imagine), one can posit explanations of existence that do not invoke supernatural beings and realms that lie beyond our ability to discover and study. How could such beings and realms have anything to do with our world? Oil and water don't mix. How could non-matter be the explanation for matter? Also, theism and creationism do not have to be linked, nor do atheism and evolutionary biology. God could exist but have nothing to do with the origin of life. Life could have evolved under the "guidance" of God. I don't think it's fair to say "your [sic] a fool" just because someone who has sincerely wrestled with these questions has come to a conclusion that differs from your own. Whether the religions of the world are correct in their various claims about the origins of life and other scientific questions, they are, as far as I know, almost unanimous in recommending the virtue of humility. It's true that they don't encourage humility when it comes to the validity of the dogmas and the practices of the religions themselves; however, I think you would be wise to do just that. Confront the possibility that you could be wrong. Though it may be terrifying, I suspect you will be stronger for the experience. All the best, veradico.

  • Blackboo

    Thats the problem with evolution..how come it avoids explaining the origin of LIFE? People believe in UFO'S AND ALIENS..NOW..why is it so hard to believe in GOD? Thats pretty ridiculous think about it..saying where God came from is like saying where did Aliens come from? Which would u believe God or Aliens?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    If you believe in God I only have this question...Why does he fail so badly when it comes to sentient creatures? If there is a god I will grant that he did a marvelous job on the Universe and its ever expanding solar systems. But, why does he fail so miserably when it comes to sentient creation? His first failure was with the angels. Than he fails with mankind. What type of flaw exist in him that the sentient creatures he creates have a tendancy to revolt from his rule?

  • inkling
    God is Love and all powerful and it shows in all the living things of the earth.

    Like this?

    "Many wasps are parasitic. Some, like the scoliid wasps, lay their eggs inside a caterpillar or in beetle grubs. As the eggs develop, they eat the doomed host animal from the inside out."

    God sure has a weird way of showing his love.


  • inkling
    Confront the possibility that you could be wrong.

    I do.

    Every day.

    DO YOU?


  • LtCmd.Lore

    Here are some questions Evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.

    1. What is existence? What are nothing?

    Evolution will never bring those up because they are completely unrelated to the theory of evolution. Evolution explains how one species can change into another over time. It does not define words.

    These are serious questions that KILL all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.

    Evolution is not a theory of how the universe got here. Evolution is a theory of LIFE. You are refferring to the big bang, planet formation, and abiogenesis. They are all completely independent of evolution.

    Evolution happens whether god created the planet or not.

    Think of it as a DARK picture showing NOTHING but blackness. How can Life spring if ANYTHING did not EXIST.

    Who says that anything did not exist?

    The first law of thermodynamics states that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, so therefore it is logical to conclude that the universe has ALWAYS existed in some way.

    However. If you believe that life cannot come from nothing, then where did your god come from?

    Your answer will invariably be that he ALWAYS existed. Since you already accept that some things can exist without a cause. Then why would you conclude that it is a highly complex unprovable intelligent diety, and not a universe? Or even a single particle?

    How can matter, gases, and LIGHT just APPEAR with no EXPLANATION.

    Yeah, this is a tough question and it needs more research, but there are several hypotheses. One you might find interesting... if you acutally care, is virtual particles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_particles

    Once matter exists, the big bang explains how it formed into the universe we know today. You should have learned this in school, so I think I'm safe not posting a link.

    Its mighty funny how intelligent and sincere these folks who preach these silly fairy tales about life as fact is down right insulting to anyone with common sense and a God given brain to reason.

    Common sense is... common. It is not a reliable guide for finding true facts.

    Whether or not you find something insulting has no bearing on whether it's true or not.

    2. How can random non-living matter create human beings on its OWN with any THOUGHT OR MIND??? Think about it folks..lets be real here.

    This, again, is abiogenesis, not evolution. Which explains why evolution never tries to answer this question.

    This video is AWESOME for explaining abiogenesis, and easy to understand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozbFerzjkz4

    I highly reccomend it.

    3. How can anything EVOLVE WITHOUT A MIND?

    Well, most animals do have minds.

    But it's not about intelligence, it's about fitness. If a mutation makes an animal better able to reproduce, then the animal will survive and pass on it's genes. This applies to animals, people, plants and viruses.

    Its very obvious that the Sun, Moon, and Stars are a product and evidence of God.

    Now your just being silly, you should have learnt about star and planet formation in 5th grade.

    It's a simple matter of dense clouds in space colapsing in on themselves from their own gravity forming a sphere.

    I don't see anything about a the moon. A big round rock, that indicates any from if intelligence!

    4. How can the Universe be AWARE of ANYTHING much less ETERNAL?

    I don't think it is. The universe is everything we know of. I don't think the universe is intelligent. That's definately not an evolutionary teaching.

    And then you just start calling us fools, for which I will direct you here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdVucvo-kDU

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

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