What book are you reading right now?

by Wordly Andre 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith
    Thanks for the reminder about Neil Gaiman. I requested his book, AMERICAN GODS, from the library and I see the request did not go through. I have to reorder it.


  • serotonin_wraith

    The Force of Reason by Oriana Fallaci.

    This is by an Italian woman, speaking about the spread of Islam in Europe and the danger it brings. I'm learning a lot about how easily Westerners are allowing Muslims the freedom to spread their religion or way of life, even though you will never find that level of acceptance for Christians or Jews in Muslim countries. She is angry though (justifiably perhaps) but that part makes for uneasy reading at times. I feel her thoughts could have been expressed just as well without the need to resort to swearing or multiple exclamation points. It doesn't damage the overall message, but I find myself smiling at it more than feeling as worked up about it as she is.

  • 4mylove

    Bookseller of Kabul

    Very intersesting.

    Oh and Nancy Friday's "woman on top"


  • juni

    Lowkey said this about.... AMERICAN GODS by Gaiman.

    Thanks Lowkey for your opinion too. Right now I'm finishing JITTERBUG PERFUME by Tom Robbins. I'm really enjoying it! Very quirky and fun!

  • mavie

    "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris

  • observador

    This is such a good thread.

    Besides "Crisis of Conscience" by Fred Franz, and "1984" by George Orwell, I recently also read "The Signs of the Last Days - When?"

    The latter is an excellent book - although not often talked about in the ex-JWs circles - if you want to understand why believing that the past has always been good and the world is falling apart now (as JWs would want you believe) is a myth.

  • R.F.

    Lincoln's Melancholy by Joshua Wolf Shenk.

  • Mastodon

    Currently reading these 2:

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Lowkey said this about.... AMERICAN GODS by Gaiman.

    Thanks Lowkey for your opinion too.

    My screen name (Low-Key Lysmith) is actually a character's name in American Gods. If I told you how the character's name applies to the story, I would ruin it for you if you haven't read it yet.

  • R.Crusoe

    The Naked Man

    I was waiting patiently over the New Year for The Naked Man to arrive! A distant Freudian subliminal residue made me order two of them for reasons I haven't yet fathomed but alas it turns out I was out when they arrived and despite my attempts to trace them I was provided, at my local Post Office Warehouse, with an alternative which didn't really do justice to the anticipated high! Another parcel awaiting collection!

    The Post Office do an amazing job and how they cope with the massive number of returned goods is beyond me! The warehouse must be like an TescAsda lined with shelves full of brown parcels linked geographically to every street in the region. And so if your address lives in a distant corner of its warehouse, it takes a while just to find out there is nothing there for you! The man must walk miles a day!

    I'm still awaiting a pentacle from America and a wallet from China. My twang and my yang musn't be aligned! It is the year of the rat so intelligence and survival should hopefully prevail! I must say though that I did hesitate when ordering from so far afield and will be hard pressed to do so again if I don't receive them!

    Anyhow, a superb Sherlock Holmes of the postal department, in cognito with various tattoos, traced my package of Naked males which aroused suspicion in the queue as to my inclination since the hardcover has a sleeve of a rear view of taught buttocks and mountain range muscled back and shoulders. I was pleased to have the correct merchandise in hand, much to everyones curiosity! The 2 books are hot of the press and though I can ill afford them, hard backs are good as any woman will verify, and I am inclined to pass one on to my youngest 18 yr old daughter though it seems her academic prowess has suffered multipe setbacks these last few years and I'm no longer sure she is able to invest her natural interest in something so related to a previous way of life. I too struggle in ways tantamount to inexplicable phenomena of the emotion and mind, having been forcibly unsynchronised from the YKK of societies zipper!

    So I was relatively certain on leaving the Post Office foyer that certain individuals stood perplexed at the sight of a middle aged man smiling with two hard back copies emboldened with a saphire blue title accross a beautifully defined muscular torso.

    The chap in front of me seemed, from his name and address to have connections with someone I previuosly worked alongside, but my low self esteem prevents me from declaring my curiosity and instead I usually boldly suggest some irrelevant flippant wafer of humour as a distraction from my otherwise insecure demeanour!

    Two Naked Males lay in limbo on teh Post Office counter!! I blame an older woman who introduced me, not that many moons ago, whilst unconvincingly claiming to be only 6 or 7 years older than I but with eyes of jewelled hypnosis, to Desmond Morris and his 60s Naked Ape which I then recommended to my eldest daughter who took and still holds the guilt of my not having returned this copy from whence it came which is another reason I pondered and placed the two copy order with that South American impersonator! She also has my copy of The Naked Woman! And so naturally this latest publication completes the trilogy!

    As you ladies know, the man comes last in our society and so it is no surprise that Desmond Morris has reluctantly been subdued until now in publishing his own identity!

    I hope to fill you in in due course, which in itself should alleviate any suspicions to the contrary!

    It is a work of observation of the most perfect of all life forms on planet Earth. Which is another reason I bought two copies to overthrow the notion I have been conditioned with ever since first reading The Naked Ape which I find difficult to disagree with every time I stand naked in front of a mirror. I am convinced I have been unduly imprinted and conditioned. This is my attempt to stand as a man in the world in which I have lived until well past my best! I need liberating!

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