Would You date a black man or black woman?

by Save My Soul 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Jeffro, the reason why I said that is to deflate the next argument that would along--someone would accuse him of being a christian fundy, I wanted to set the record straight on that first. He is not a Christian, he does not believe in the bible, Jesus, or Church.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yes, I've dated a black woman and would consider it again. I didn't consider race a barrier, it was more a culture difference. She was a big city girl, I was more the farm boy. We stayed friends and she married a black brother.

    My family wouldn't mind as long as we were in love and happy together. Another problem I noticed was how I looked terribly, deathly, anemic white when we were together in pictures.

  • Jeffro
    Jeffro, the reason why I said that is to deflate the next argument that would along--someone would accuse him of being a christian fundy, I wanted to set the record straight on that first. He is not a Christian, he does not believe in the bible, Jesus, or Church.

    LOL... Good to see that the atheist democrats can discriminate against those "blacks" and "gays" just as much as the fundy Christian right-wingers. I'd hate to see them miss out.

  • chickpea

    i dated black men twice.... college and in the military (also, to my mother's utter horror, i dated hispanics in high school)

    my husband is mixed race..... cauc and native american.....

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    My daughter has dated Black men. She is very attractd to them. What's difficult is when the rest of the family and friends is not accepting. My own sons are very prejudiced.

    What are the reasons they do not want her to date a black man?

    I had a co-worker tell me he wanted to introduce me to his sister to date. I said ok, cool. We were going to actually go to Texas and meet her. COOOOL!!

    As we were about to leave he said that his family was not keen on the idea and how they were racist. HUH? what??

    He said he had never met a black man of his class in his small town. I would be perfect for his sister, she was the smart one in the family that kept meeting losers.

    ahhhh, OK, I will pass. The thought was nice though. He actually kept asking me to meet her despite the anticipated problems from his family.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Two of my sons married beautiful girls, one from India the other from Pakistan and we adopted a five month old girl of black/mexican heritage. carmel

    Caramel is the name the caucasian girls call my son at the hall and in school.

    Kinda funny, Some of the black girls in LA call him the Green-eyed Bandit. Fortunately he does not know what the zipper in the front of his pants are for YET.

    At least I don't think he does.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Why was it necessary to mention that the girl from Iowa was overweight?

    Iowa is predomindantly white. As my friend in Texas, she had a limited amount of blacks to interact with to say, "He is bad or she is good" I assume MTV and rap videos were the only barometer. She said because of her weight, she felt ugly and had low self esteem.

    I did not mention it to be disparaging, I apologize if you took it that way.

    Regarding not being attracted to black women, that is not an iussue. I know at leat 15 BLACK people that would not date within their race. I have taken my wife to Black Los Angeles malls, assemblies and KH's and I get a very negative response from black women when we are together. Many are friendly when they see her alone with children, but when I come around, it would change. One of her friends said " Dey hatin' on u cuz dey say She's takin' R men". Even though she is partially black, she has LIGHT SKIN and green eyes, so that is another issue.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    I briefly dated a black man. He is a lawyer from Washington DC, stayed in the ritziest place Downtown, working on a case at a hospitol here. Co-workers hooked us up.

    He would tell me how is parents would die if he ever brought a white woman home and I said I was sure mine would too.

    I met college student in a small town in South Texas. We went to dinner, the mall, the TEXAS State Fair!!!

    Wow. The looks we recieved was incredible.

    She would NOT let me come to her house though. I found out she lived in Vidor, Texas (a town that would not allow blacks to live there for decades) and her father was a (racist) Baptist minister. She misapplied several scriptures about how god's people would not mix with other races.

    It begged the question, " Why are you with me right now?" ????

    Even though I could tell she had feelings of racial superiority, we had a good time. I did not take her out again though.

    Dating was fun.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    growing up i saw many black men who married white women (usually chunky or absolutely gorgeous (or both)) and i always thought......... hummmmmmmmm how come you dont see many white men in the area marrying black women? personally i never was attracted to the black sisters with wide noses, and i grew up in the black bookstudies.

    I went to a Clipper game and several of the players had very, very LARGE white women. The guy would be 6'-6", fit and trim and he would have this short, overweight unattractive woman by his side. This was in the 90's at the LA Sports Arena.

  • memario
    I would be willing to date Beyonce

    In your DREAMS Simon!!! LOL


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