most disturbing movie scene you've seen?

by knock knock 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Lol, Showgirls. Never saw that one either. I bought Chicago thinking it was a gangster film. They was the most singingest gangsters I've ever seen - ok, I fast fwd'd most of it. Still, that was GawdAwful!!! lol

  • bisous

    I walked out of Pulp Fiction because of the scene where the guy blew his brains out in the back seat and they were wiping up brains and making light of it.

  • prophecor

    Joe Pesci and his brother Dominic.


  • Gregor

    I walked out of Death Wish when the 3 hoodlums followed the mother and daughter home from the market and brutalized them. And that was at the begining of the movie.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Last of the Mohecans when a heart was cut out of a person and held up still beating. Also same movie: A person screaming tied to a grate over a raging fire. Sick movie. Couldn't get through it, but dad loved it. Yuck! Shudder.

  • MegaDude

    Nothing says disturbing like an independent short feature made by an Islamic fundy with a knive or a blade.

    The video circulating around the net "Saddamn Torture Video." Making prisoners, one after another, jump off a three-story building and hitting the street below. And that's the beginning.

    The video made of the execution of 19 year old Russian soldier Yevgeny Rodionov and his fellow soldiers by Islamic fighters in Chechnya. Slow butchery. Utterly obscene. Evil. Depressing.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    I guess I could have said the Zapruder film. I haven't seen the whole thing though.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Blue Velvet is the only movie that made me feel uneasy.

    Dennis Hopper huffing that gas while violating Isabella Rosalini as a freaked out teenage boy is watching from the closet. Since that movie I can never hear any song by Roy Orbison without also hearing Dennis Hopper yelling "Mommie, baby wants to F....!"

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    This may be turning into the most disturbing thread ever. A thing I had not intended!

    Megadude, I have seen very, very few of the islamic videos. Basically only what is shown on the news. I think it would be too much for me view. I used to watch old documentaries about WWII with my dad. He had gone through Buchenwald just after it was liberated and the things he described were horrific. Man, this has turned depressing.

  • bisous

    OMG, Blue Velvet - yeah that one was beyond disturbing.

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