For the ladies. Do you think that when you.....

by NotaNess 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen
  • NotaNess

    Changling: Are you in the camp that thinks if a woman dresses provocatively and gets raped, she was "asking for it"?

    Brinjen: It's just fashion, most women dress that way for their own confidence, not to be gawked at.

    Changling...please, my topic doesn't even hint at having an attitude like that.

    Brinjen...see this is partly my point. Some of you do it for fashion, not understanding what's coming, and some of you know exactly what you're doing. It's a fashion of letting it all hang out. "I want you to want me, but don't stare at me" That's great.

    But funny how if it's a cute guy..the gawking is ok. I love it!

  • sweetstuff

    But funny how if it's a cute guy..the gawking is ok. I love it!

    So what? Are you not one of the cute guys and now you are throwing a hissy fit because chicks don't dig you looking at them?

  • BFD

    There are much better ways to show appreciation for a woman's beauty, provocative or otherwise. Gawking is impolite.


  • brinjen

    Brinjen...see this is partly my point. Some of you do it for fashion, not understanding what's coming, and some of you know exactly what you're doing. It's a fashion of letting it all hang out. "I want you to want me, but don't stare at me" That's great.

    But funny how if it's a cute guy..the gawking is ok. I love it!

    As I said, it's usually for confidence or as another poster pointed out, to impress other women. If it was for the sake of having men gawk, fashion would be a dead industry.

    As for the cute guy remark. It's the kind of attention, most women prefer a guy to notice a feature such as their eyes or smile and show some interest in getting to know them, not giving them the 'up and down' look.

  • NotaNess
    As for the cute guy remark. It's the kind of attention, most women prefer a guy to notice a feature such as their eyes or smile and show some interest in getting to know them, not giving them the 'up and down' look.

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....and quatruple Ha!

    RIGHT! Have half the chest sticking out with painted on pants...and women want you to "notice their eyes". Man, I'm gonna love this thread.

    And BFD, certainly, women can get appreciated by dressing just a little more covered up. Oh, I forgot, that's part of the power-play they need to survive...dressing down.

    For the record, my wife thinks I gawk too much.....but she looks so dang good, I can't help it.

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    I think women feel good about being a woman, dressing, clothes, shopping, and like to look good, it is a part of what makes up a woman, like when us men, lift weights, or hunt or fish, provider type things, and i know for me , and i think all men, we are very visual about sex, and so we read more into a womens atire, of course for me , i think if no matter what they wore i would still think , THATS SEXY!!


  • sweetstuff

    Hey, maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia where the women all wear burka's so your eyes aren't "befouled" by our overt sexuality thrown in your face.

  • nvrgnbk

    It's 2007, not 1607.

    Read a book or something, dude.

  • NotaNess

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you..............Ms Sweetstuff" A perfect part of my topic. Just look at that fine pic.

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