Share one or two interesting things about you we probably didn't know

by Gopher 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    My middle name is not Lester

    That thing they've been saying about me is not, mostly not true

  • BrentR

    I have two extra ribs but they don't attach to my sternum. I did not find out until I was 19 because you can't see them.

    I hijacked a neighbor's radio control plane with one of my radio control remotes. I flew it away until I could no longer see it. The wreckage was never located and there are no suspects. Ignore what your parents told you, revenge is sweet (very sweet!) .

  • purplesofa

    when i talk on the phone, I ether write the alphabet over and over and over and over again

    or make this star looking thing with a circle around it over and over and over and over again.

    I have done this for as long as I can remember esp if I am nervous.

    I spoke to Gopher earlier today and this is what I did.

    The list on the side is some artist i am working on for burning a cd.


  • Warlock

    I'm also left handed.

    I played a wind instrument from 4th to 12th grade.

    I played in the first orchestra of a well known 'troupe' of young people who sing and dance.

    I had a high level security clearance from the U.S. government at one point in my life.

    That's all I can say.


  • Jourles

    Volleyball phreak. I play 4-5 days a week. Indoors, I'm not at the Olympic level or Div I collegiate, but I'd say one notch below. In sand, and depending on the partner I'm playing with, I'll enter as AA or sometimes Open. My indoor game is tighter than my outdoor game. I've been playing since high school.

    Skiboarder. I switched to skiboards from skis back in 1995 and never looked back. My latest selection consists of two sets of Line boards (99cm & 142cm) and Spruce 120's.

    Budding photog. I am more interested in learning the technical aspects of photography right now. I'm almost to the point where I can set up my dslr in full manual mode and hit the perfect "tack sharp" shot the first time - correctly choosing the right wb, exposure, aperture, etc. I think anyone can learn to take great pictures once they learn how to use their equipment properly. The "AUTOPICTURE" just doesn't do it for me.

    My job is also my hobby.

  • BrentR

    If you tell us anymore will we have to die?

  • Warlock
    If you tell us anymore will we have to die?



  • BrentR


  • Gopher

    You all have made this a highly entertaining thread today. I'm amazed at some, LMAO at others.

    If people where it is now daytime Sunday can post their interesting secrets -- that'd be great. Bedtime for Gopher.

  • purplesofa
    My middle name is not Lester

    My nickname at a place I worked was Lester the Molester. My old boss had nicknames for everyone and that is what he gave me like first week I was there. I was so embarrassed. And to this day I still will get called that from time to time. AND it still embarrasses me.


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