NEW WATCHTOWER - Study Edition Searchable PDF !!

by AlphaOmega 114 Replies latest members private

  • GermanXJW

    Leolaia, I quoted the image from the SixScreens-WebSite. I agree that it is probably a prop. But I wonder what the third picture was that cultswater brought up with a similar necklace.

  • Leolaia

    They're not different in the sense that study articles in the past have of course divulged "new light" and expressed very cultish statements. But very often study articles have as their theme more prosaic topics like family life, "fruitages of the spirit", and the like. I thought they'd ease into the more cultish articles, but this issue seems to be filled with them.

  • AlphaOmega

    I was also thinking that the necklace is from the Watchtower's "dressing up box", and they dig it out for the models for the art department to wear... thanks fokyc

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Maybe it's the pyramid on Russell's grave.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Thank you. It is a beautiful PDF.


  • oompa
    Dust: 1935 is not important anymore, there are replacements, and (even newer light!) some new anointed ones are not even replacements, as the number 144.000 has not yet been reached. I can certainly understand why they didn't want to print this in a public WT.

    I thought all this was clearly explained in the qfr earlier this year wasn't it? It was in the public WT, but nobody but informed JW's would care to learn or study about it. I commented at a meeting about it, and had to explain myself afterward....My joke was how much easier field service is, now that we dont have to overcome yet another objection, such as them already having the heavenly hope...heck they could be.

    Heck, all dubs raised since 1938 didn't even have a chance to fly...I was earthbound.....oompa

  • oompa

    From the intro to the study edition :

    "Some cited scriptures are marked "read" and should be read and discussed during the Watchtower Study. Other scriptures may also be read as time allows."

    So more control from Mother , telling the study conductor exactly how to do it , mind you, some of them these days need telling!

    This is soooo stupid (read) notations. If the scriptures are good enough to be put in there, why not crappin read them all? Leave out what you don't need.....aren't they supposed to give us just the food we need at the propper time?....oompa

  • marmot

    Okay seriously, some of you guys have REALLY got to stop fixating on some prop in the WT art department. They probably got it at a yard sale or something.

    As for "serious" topics of discussion in regards to the study edition of the WT, did anybody else notice thi line in paragraph 7 of the first article? It reads: "But those who remain in Babylon the Great and who continue to reject Bible standards will not be spared through 'the Great Tribulation.'"

    It was alway my understanding that the Great Tribulation was supposed to be a period of, well, great tribulation for the witnesses. I always thought it was THEY who were supposed to endure persecution during this time period as a lead-up to the big A. Has this changed or am I just reading the passage wrong?

  • oompa
    Marmot-"But those who remain in Babylon the Great and who continue to reject Bible standards will not be spared through 'the Great Tribulation.'"

    It was alway my understanding that the Great Tribulation was supposed to be a period of, well, great tribulation for the witnesses. I always thought it was THEY who were supposed to endure persecution during this time period as a lead-up to the big A. Has this changed or am I just reading the passage wrong?

    Satan somehow gets the un to turn on all religion, they either all quit or get whacked during the Great Trib. We may have some tough tomes then but that is when Jesus rides in and protects us...i think......oompa

  • cabasilas

    Thanks to the folks who made this available. Having taken a look at the articles, I don't think the Society is anywhere dropping the idea of 144,000. What I see is the complete removal of any stigma of proclaiming oneself as one of the 144,000. That will probably result with some more people deciding they are of the anointed and I wouldn't be suprised if they stop publishing the number of those who partake of the bread and wine at the Memorial.

    All in all, this will allow for the Governing Body to expand as there'll be more "anointed" to choose from. As it stands, there are only 9 on the GB now and that's way to small of a leadership base for a group the size of the JWs.

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