NEW WATCHTOWER - Study Edition Searchable PDF !!

by AlphaOmega 114 Replies latest members private

  • Prefect

    Great Scan. Thank you

  • OnTheWayOut

    What kind of nonsense do they fill the Public addition up with now that
    study articles are pulled?

    Can you see them using this as a reason to stop AWAKE! ?

    "We have room in the public WT for further articles. AWAKE! essentially
    covers Bible topics that WT can carry. We should stop AWAKE!"

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Since 1879, through periods of war, economic hardship, and persecution, The Watchtowerhas faithfully proclaimed truths about God's Kingdom.

    ermmm yea except those truths that weren't exactly truths but only half truths....

  • AlphaOmega


    First thing I noticed was the wording in this sentence:

    "Whether you hope to make your home with Christ in the heavens or to live forever on earth under Kingdom rule,..."

    It is strange. It sounds like there is a fifty-fifty chance of a person to be heavens bound or earth bound. It has never been put like that, that I can remember.

    That's what struck me... with 6 million JWs and only 8000 anointed (for now), it seems quite an emphasis on a "heavenly hope" for just 8000 readers worldwide. Sounds like the gates are going to stay open !

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The indefinite future of still gathering up those of the anointed is an obvious attempt at qualifying this systems existence into the 21st century. I remember previous articles describing the number as "sealed". Staring at that page really cut into me. I've had a gut feeling that they were going to have a new spin on the generation and it's really eye opening to see this in print. But it's almost a relief to me because I can see it for what it is.

    It is sad though. The articles basically encourage the rank and file to be on the soup line when they retire. Jobs without retirement packages or self employment and barely enough money to live on with nothing set aside.

    My sister in law was waffling in her decision to continue her education. My wife and I encouraged her to continue. I think her, (sister in law's) story of a couple in her congregation that is forced to live on $500 a month in SSI benefits and the burden that is placed on their children as a result was eye opening for her. My wife and her sister grew up in poverty. I mean really poor. Single non english speaking mom. For them, education was their only means of breaking the chain of poverty. Who would encourage anyone to stay in that life? How is that love for one's brother?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Wow! In the picture on pg 27 did anyone notice this kid looks like he has a well trimmed beard and mustache? I guess in the new system our facial hair will grow whenever we want it! Oh and beards are OK!!

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  • fokyc

    What kind of nonsense do they fill the Public addition up with now that
    study articles are pulled?

    As soon as we get our hands on the first Public Watchtower of 2008 we will let you know what they are putting in it,

    None to hand here at the moment, sorry!


  • OnTheWayOut
    Wha happened? said:
    I think her, (sister in law's) story of a couple in her congregation that is forced to live on $500 a month in SSI benefits and the burden that is placed on their children as a result was eye opening for her. My wife and her sister grew up in poverty. I mean really poor. Single non english speaking mom. For them, education was their only means of breaking the chain of poverty. Who would encourage anyone to stay in that life? How is that love for one's brother?

    A dictator often stays in power by oppressing his own people. If he sees a way to help them out of
    poverty, even though it could be a great thing, he often avoids it. He retains power easier that way.
    People don't have time or energy for a revolution if they are busy WORKING HARD to get their daily
    bread on the table.

    WTS recognizes that college causes many to think for themselves and never become [or stay with]
    JW's. But oppressing the current members has the same effect that dictators put upon citizens.
    The rank and file are too busy and tired from trying to pay the bills and still get to the meetings, staying
    at a hotel for the conventions and losing vacation time, etc. Breaking the chain of poverty would allow
    many JW's to start relaxing and realizing the folly of chasing down return visits with the latest
    "LIFE SAVING" literature in their hand.

    I am actually shocked that the very first issue of the members mag. wastes no time in reinforcing
    cult programming so heavily. I was sure they would ease into this stuff in a matter of months.

  • Saoirse

    Thanks so much for sharing this!

    This is a total about face and I'm sure it will send a few out the door. Does anyone know when this will be available to the congregations?

  • megsmomma

    Thanks for the info!!

    I LMAO at the kid with the beard! I bet the art department did the same thing!

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