by Wingman 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    I read and liked the letter.

    I hope that its angle of entry into the dub mind will give it success.

    However, I do not agree that the WTS can me changed into something tolerable.

    Ip Sec, perhaps the authors of this letter still suffer under some of the dub thought process. Like using brothers not sisters for stuff and being a little too bossy. But, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and perhaps their eyes will open more widely with time.

  • IP_SEC
    lol IP. chill, bro, chill

    Thank you eclipse. Im just sexually frustrated.alt

  • tula

    I have an idea. Why not "write in" the (congregation of name, town) or a name of elder in that congregation.....and send letters to the little people, too. That's right. Send some of these letters to congregation members. Maybe they will think it is a piece of misdirected mail. In the meantime, it is so nicely and professionally worded, that of course they will read it. Maybe it will even get through to some. Of course, you know they will discuss it with their friends. Get them involved in doing the work of questioning the elders about it! Ha! How are the elders going to not answer to it and be called to account now??!! Why put all of the power into the hands of the few elite. Give the people back their power!!!

  • Twitch

    Welcome Wingman

    Nice letter. Your heart is in the right place and it seems you wish to effect change instead of hating and for that you have my respect.

    To quote a line from the Matrix "It is not the spoon that must bend, but myself"

  • Dansk

    I'm sorry but I agree with IP_SEC. His language may be more colourful than my own but he makes good points. We don't know wingman and whether he is doing this unilaterally.

    Look, if you REALLY want to make a difference join this campaign: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/143526/1.ashx

    It will have a lot more clout than sending a letter out to congregations, believe me!

    We all know what will happen over any letter. An elder will get up and say it is part of the great apostasy and all letters should be destroyed. Then the org will cite scriptures regarding wolves entering the congregation in sheep's clothing and that love of the greater number will cool off (referring to dissent in the ranks). Then a witch-hunt will follow. People will be too afraid to leave because they have framily in and will believe they are being tested by Jehoovah.

    If TV exposes such as Panorama, News items, and Silent Lambs is still not having any great effect on members still in the org don't kid yourselves that any letters will. If we can get the Charities Commission to thoroughly investigate any charges we make we can do untold damage to Watchtower. Once its tax exemption is removed it's in deep trouble. That's the way to go.


  • JK666


    I have empathy toward you. The situation in the organization has made you heartsick.

    I personally loved your letter. I agree with all the points that you made. It was very well worded and expressed your thoughts succinctly. I have been in your shoes.

    You still believe it is The Truth. The big questions you need to ask yourself is:



    This is a very tough question to answer! I know that you mean well and are trying to correct problems that have arisen. You think that you and others can make a difference in this campaign. I say go for it.

    But be warned, the Watchtower Society will be Stalinesque in dealing with this uprising from within its ranks. You are much scarier to the Governing Body than those of us that have left. Draconian measures will be meted out to you and your associates if they ever find you. If your actions from inside the organization fail, you are welcome to join the rest of us that have left already.

    I feel for you. I would say good luck but that would just freak you out.


  • journey-on

    There was a thread awhile back about whether the WTS could be taken over by a coup.

    I think (again) this is DO-ABLE! I believe those that want to stay a Jehovah's Witness and that

    believe Jehovah is working through them, will find a way to oust those who are showing signs

    of being corrupted. Stand back and do nothing and you will be sucked into their black hole of

    sinister power. I personally think all religion is false and man-made, but for those that still think

    the WTS and JWs have some kind of relevance, go for it NOW and don't delay.

  • metatron

    The letter is well written and makes some good points. An effort to bring these issues the attention

    they deserve may be a good idea. If otherwise, throwing a metaphorical handgrenade now and then

    is something I favor, with regard to the Watchtower. The more people get into trouble over these

    issues, the better. Stir the pot and see what happens.


  • BizzyBee

    I think the letter is excellent. It has a ring of sincerity, yet the approach is very clever - similar to the 1976 letter that was posted here recently, which apparently caused many to see the truth about the 'Truth.'

    What I don't understand is other posters verbally attacking someone who is being pro-active in attempting to stir things up. I think anyone who is willing to put time and effort into doing something besides preaching to the choir should be encouraged and applauded. We apostates are proud of being a diverse group with no common denominator other than that we all are leaving the WTS. Therefore, no one speaks for us as a group - so why denigrate each other's efforts?

    The WTS is grid-locked - they are like a deer caught in the headlights. They will probably be brought down eventually by their own inertia combined with their delusions. And the Internet. Anything that can bring that about faster (so I can live long enough to see it), is a good thing, IMHO.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome Wingman!

    In agreement with such posts as those from Eclipse, JK666 and BizzyBee, I applaud your effort. We have to do what we are moved to do. When I endeavor to "plant seed" with my JW friends and family, I talk to them using terminology and phrasing similar to yours. After 40 years a JW, my thought and speech patterns are pretty much intact.

    Many, many letters have gone out over the years - to congregations, BOEs, the GB, etc. Some were long, some short and to the point. The writers were angry or shattered, heartsick and depressed.... As Kerry Louderback-Wood stated regarding her article "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation," she would be pleased if but ONE child's life could be saved through her work, initiated by the death of her mother, who was unaware that she could have received treatment that the Society "neglected" to publicize.

    You have already touched some of us here at JWD - think, too, of the lurkers ...



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