by Cordelia 218 Replies latest members meetups

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Iveseenthelight: No rules - we're had enough of those to last a lifetime. LOL.

    The only rule is to come and have a great time and to meet some awesome new friends - we don't even have to talk about anything JW related if people don't want to.... (but we will probably won't be able to resist...)

  • nicolaou

    Don't worry iveseenthelight, you'll be made most welcome! I don't think there are any rules as such, just have a good time and make some friends.

    The-Borg: Hey man, I've still got your number, fancy a quick pint at The Charter on Tuesday? I'll be in touch.

  • iveseenthelight

    Thank you Sweat Pea, I hear you about the luck would have it I may be in Manchester that weekend. But If I'm not I will definitely come as I am in North London anyway.

    Yeah, I'm so looking forward to meeting some sane people ( you are all sane right?) How do you all recognise each other, are there roses in lapels, or can you tell just by looking for that anti-Jdub non judgemental look in each others eyes?

    I really hope I can attend.

  • Dansk

    Wasn't someone trying to organise a Midland's Chinese bash? Whatever happened to that?


  • iveseenthelight

    Thank you Nicolaou

  • nicolaou

    Yes, the Apostanoodle. That was me Ian but I just couldn't drum up enough enthusiasm for it.

    Still, this one seems to be taking off. I hear what you're saying about a central location but for the many (like Crumpet) who live on the 'wrong' side of London getting to the Midlands is a big deal.

    Perhaps North London might be a bit fairer to all?

  • Dansk

    London is fine for Claire and I. It would also give us the opportunity to be reunited with South African Beef and Bubble who have been so exceedingly kind. Plus, we could meet up with you again, Nic!

    I just feel sooooooooo sorry for LT and Xena who live in Scotland but will travel anywhere. Some people don't like travelling further than their back yard. So, what does this mean? I'll tell you! More apostafests around the country. YIPPEE


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    If its december 1st in London town...count me in!!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Right. So far I'm getting the vibe that December 1st suits most.

    What would everyone prefer North London or Central London?

  • bubble

    London sounds great to us on the 1st of Dec. Ian that was sweet what you just said about us. We would love to see you again as it's been a year since the apostacurry, can you believe it?

    Roll on the apostanoodle.

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