by Cordelia 218 Replies latest members meetups

  • Crumpet

    Can someone remind me what time our table is booked for and for how many people? If I am bringing anyone with me is it going to cause a problem for the table size?

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I'm so jealous! I used to have lots of fun organising boat trips and parties in York. Oh well, I guess I'll just go sit by the pool.... he he! Have fun!

  • The-Borg
    Can someone remind me what time our table is booked for and for how many people? If I am bringing anyone with me is it going to cause a problem for the table size?

    Hi Crumpet, It's at 7:30pm, at waggamamas you cant book a table you just turn up and they seat you where they can.


  • Maddie

    I am really sorry everyone but I won't be able to come after all. I have been looking forward to it so much and am really choked!

    Have a great time and hopefully I will be able to meet you all next time.


  • besty

    If as many as possible can get there for 7pm onwards we can start ring-fencing the benches :-)

    I have arranged with the management that I will call them at 6.30pm and confirm, and they will try and help us get seats together

    PM me if you want SweetPea and I's mobiles,.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Not long now.


  • Dansk

    I hope you all have a really miserable great time and, again, I'm so sorry Claire and I can't make it!



  • besty

    we won't forget you Dansk during noodleathon :-)

    afterwards I think we should go here:

    decent sized bar not to far away and good selection of beers - been there before several times - been chucked out once in fact but hopefully the staff won't remember that :-)

  • free2think

    I cant wait. Im so excited about meeting everyone.

  • nicolaou


    My wife has decided to come with me!

    Sam' has never participated at JWD other than to read one or two posts I've pointed out to her. She is very nervous about meeting you all but has decided to do this because she feels it's a significant step to move from online discussions to meeting in person - I guess she's right. Sam' turned 40 this year (she looks 30) and is the youngest of 3 daughters all 'raised in the Truth'. Her dad was PO for twenty years at least and is still an elder. He is a good man.

    Sam' has dealt with life after JWism much better than me. She makes friends very easily and is naturally fun loving and outgoing, I know you'll all like her. One thing that does upset her a bit is too much negativity. She did not have a difficult time growing up a witness and if I hadn't taken us out she might still be in there. Now that she's seen life outside for herself though she will never go back but she just doesn't like to criticise too much.

    So, this seems like the perfect time to tell you that my real name is Mike. I joined JWD when I was still 'active' and like so many I hid behind a pseudonym. Nicolaou was my late grandfather's name and it's served me well here for almost seven years but I think it's time to be open and honest so from now on could you all just call me Mike?

    We look forward to meeting you all at Wagamama's tonight but if there are any problems or last minute nerve's then maybe we'll just join you all for drinks in the pub. I have David's (the Borg) mobile number but if Besty could PM me his too that would be handy.

    Guy's, I can't wait to meet you all and introduce you to Sam'. Please be gentle with her.


    Oh god! How do I explain Crumpet?!

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