NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fedorE


    Just cause someone is strongly grounded in their beliefs and can explain them wirh a knockout punch doesnt mean he wants to start a cult......A GUY LIKE THAT WOUDNT COME ON THIS BOARD FOR THAT but he would look for an outlet to scream out what he has in his heart ..isnt that to be respected especially when he has a point ?

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

    That all of us have a imagination within are selfs and that were capable to express those imaginations,...... even us atheists

  • LtCmd.Lore
    There goes Terry........AGAIN! With his ruined and diseased mind...

    When the opponent must resort to insults it indicates he has a weak argument. This sets the stage for your entire post.

    trying to convince all who happen upon his posts......

    Perhaps... So? Is that not what you are doing right now? Trying to convince people that you are correct? (Except you do so through insults and mudslinging instead of logic and reason.)

    he wants soooooo bad for the rest of us to believe in his own belief system.

    Probably no more than you do. But if he does, why is that a problem?

    He has nothing else in his life to look forward to.

    Prove it. You don't even know him. Correct?

    His goal is to misalign everything that just might have a spark of truth.........or Christian in nature.

    What was the topic of this thread? To point out anything scientifically accurate that was revealed by god in the Bible that they didn't know back then.

    If the Christian claim that the Bible is inspired by an omniscient god actually contains a single 'spark of truth' then this should be simple.

    Otherwise, what's your point?

    His only claim to intellegence is the fact that he works in a bookstore and does a lot of reading. (or is this in the past Terry)

    As opposed to what? Being on the internet doing a lot of reading, or being in a university doing a lot of reading... that's generally how people gain intelligence. What's your claim to intelligence? Being on the internet flinging insults at people?

    I find it ironic when people mis-spell "Intelligence"

    Such a shame! He is very intelligent but hasn't gotten beyond the pain and hate of his past.

    Actually you are being very hateful in the present. It's people like you that give theists a bad name. How is your post any less hatefull then the WTS?

    Terry..........right now.........I don't give a Shite if I am barred from JWD for this post.

    Good, let me be the first to blackball you. You don't mind right?

    You want to spout your crap..........but dismiss anyone here who believes in God or the Bible.

    No, the purpose of this topic was to gain information from people who belive in the Bible. Information that you have not even attempted to offer.

    Why don't you start your own little cult and see how many others might be willing to follow you.

    Uhh, Probably because he doesn't want too...

    I think at your should be doing something positive in your life for a change.

    He should follow your example, and insult people online for asking intelligent questions...

    You sound sooooo much like some immature 20 year olds just weaning from their momma's JW brainwashing teats.

    You sound sooooo much like some 60 year old elder who just got asked a Bible question he doesn't like.

    Why not grow up and at least acknowledge what others believe instead of constantly using this forum to browbeat everyone as to your hatred and new unbelief system.

    He does acknowledge it, that is WHY he asked the question he did. Just because you have a belief does not mean that it is deserving of respect. To be respected, one must be respectable.

    I think you will be unhappy for the rest of your life.

    A prophecy eh? Well let me debunk that one with the following statement:

    Terry, you rock!

    There, I'll assume that made him at least mildly happy. He can fill you in on the rest if he feels like it.

    HappyDad, why did you go on a hateful tirade when you could have simply answered the question he asked? I don't need an answer, I already know why.

    Frightened animals tend to attack when they have no other options.... How primitive.


  • journey-on

    I always look forward to Terry's posts. They are thought-provoking. He presents subjects that actually make you use your brain cells to look closely at your own beliefs. That doesn't mean he's going to change anyone's mind about anything, but then again, something in the way you think might change or be altered in some way. Your carefully thought-out reply might do the same thing.

  • startingover


    You just impressed the hell out of me with that response. I felt my blood pressure rising when I read the post you responded to, but you settled me down real quick, especially with that comment about "intellegence" Ah the irony!

    And Mary, it constantly amazes me the things I learn on this board. You said:

    Just because someone says that the scriptures were inspired of God doesn't mean that God directed the work. It's like if I write a book saying that it was inspired by Princess Diana, doesn't mean that she approved or directed what I wrote.

    Never ever thought of it that way before. Thanks for sharing.

    And of course, thanks Terry for starting this thread for all the obvious reasonable reasons.

  • Satanus
    I think at your should be doing something positive in your life for a change.

    Actually, if you a little bit about terry, you wouldn't say such crap. I have had a few arguements w terry, but i also know a bit about him. He has served time as a jw for refusing to join the military, he writes music, he works in a book store, he's been married a few times. He also has a few other amazing abilities. I believe he said that he can catch a bullet arrow as it's shot at him. Positive enough for ya?


  • Terry
    I would have to say, that, it is revealed that the Son of God, also a spirit like GOD was born of a virgin

    Sorry, just a faulty translation from the Hebrew word "almah" (young woman) into the Septuigint (virgin).

    An error.

    Where did the error lead? To a vast doctrinal network of faulty ideas, doctrines and other completely bogus ideas.

    Nothing more than mistake following mistake into an orthodoxy of theology.

    Typical, really.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Gods were created on the basis of human ignorance and imagination as it was thousands of years ago as it is today, over the centuries we've slowly and painfully gained knowledge

    of the world around us through discoveries and scientific conclusions. The door of this knowledge has just begun to open, look how far and how much we've gained in just the last century

    alone. I personally cherish the wisdom of the truth of knowledge and dealing with the reality of life as it presents itself, good or bad.. If anyone thinks that human ignorance was not prevalent

    thousands of years ago, one really needs to do some in-deft history reading or read the bible, Torah, or any ancient religious manuscripts to prove my point. Mysticism is imagination

    supported by ignorance in the human mind, this separates itself from reality and conclusion. Perhaps if men were to finally walk away from their gods and walk toward humanity together we

    would be better off, I think so. I was brought up a JWS. and found it to be a very corrupt and deceiving religion which was full of coercion and apathy I eventually left it based on those

    findings. But still if men are in a need for power and money I suppose the gods of organized religion will bring it to them, this is something that atheism can never do.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Waiting an inspired reply to my comments on creation/evolutionary order which seem to have been bypassed

  • RAF

    Check them
    both Garybuss posts
    and read Educ8self (about the third focus - regarding to this forum discussion)

    and forget about blaming happydad it looks like double standard ...

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