NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Somebody is always insisting they have an invisible and mysterious SOURCE of divine information and selling it like hotcakes and syrup. But, why are you still buying?

    Or, are you?

    When will you ever learn that this is a scam among many scams. It has many faces and the lyrics change from place to place but, the tune is always the same.

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave mysteriously have connections to God's own lips. Well good for them! But, bad for those who believe the feckless dreck they offer to those who will listen and follow.

    Do you insist on clinging to the Bible as anything other than fiction?

    Or, have you moved on?

    When will you learn to think for yourself? Because, you see, if you still believe in the Bible--then you are still slogging away reading some other mystical conman's interpretation of private source knowledge. You've traded one pair of handcuffs for another.

    FACT: a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened

    I've read the bible many times in many ways with many methods.

    But, I don't really see in it any information that contains factual material that benefits anybody.

    Or, to put it another way....

    What information does the bible contain that is "obviously" from a divine source and unavailable to any other people?

    Practical information

    ; not doctrinal assertions is what I mean.

    God might have mentioned micro-organisms, for example. Millions have died not knowing exactly what a germ is or how disease is transmitted. Even Jesus' disciples didn't wash their hands before eating.

    Sources of energy, technology, innoculations, inventions to relieve human suffering all came from individual scientists who used their own rational minds to observe how things operate. The bible is rather a strange document to claim authorship by the most intelligent being in all the universe, and yet, reveals nothing superhuman in it at all.

    Name just one thing written in the Bible that was completely UNknown by humans which only a superhuman agency could have revealed. One thing.

    I'd like to know. I can't think of a thing.

    Isn't that a curious thing???

  • DeusMauzzim

    When Moses spoke about a prophet coming after him the Hebrew verb is in the future subjunctive with hightened letter tav indicating Moses was talking about Terry.

    So, God gave us a very precious and practical gift.


    Let he who has ears, hear...

    - Deus Mauzzim

  • Awakened07

    Well, to play the Devil's.... wait - God's advocate for a moment; Bible believers would say that after all, the rules given to the Israelites about hygiene was not known by other people at the time, that the Bible mentions the Earth as being round and "hovering" in mid air, that there are many prophecies that have come true.

    I'm not in the mood to debunk them, but something tells me you're up for the job.

  • quietlyleaving

    He gave me my 2 children

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Blue thread is really cool. Especially around the bottom of your outer garments.

    C'mon Terry, be honest. You couldn't have figured that out on your own.

    Open Mind

  • Gopher

    I learned that Armageddon is coming in 1975. (Revelation 16:16) It's right there in the Bible.

  • RunningMan

    The Circle of the Earth

    If you look at a pizza from a distance, it looks like a circle. So, when the Bible speaks of “the circle of the earth”, did it mean that the earth was spherical, or just round?

    Well, the evidence seems to indicate that God thought the earth was flat and round, like a pizza. Here is why I say that:

    "I saw a tree of great height at the center of the world. It was large and strong, with its top touching the heavens, and it could be seen from the ends of the earth." – Daniel 4:7, 8

    So, God inspired Daniel to write that the earth’s surface has a center, and that a tree could be tall enough to be seen everywhere on the planet. But, the surface of a sphere has no center, and no matter how tall a tree is, it will not be visible from a large part of that sphere.

    Jesus and the Devil make a similar mistake:

    "The devil took him (Jesus) to a very high mountain and displayed before him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence...." - Matthew 4:8

    Now, you could argue that the Devil used a vision to show Jesus the kingdoms, but the scripture implies that the purpose of going up the mountain was to make it possible to see the ends of the earth.

    A similar concept regarding height shows up in Genesis 11:4. In this story, the people are trying to build a tower that would reach right up to heaven. This was very threatening to God, because heaven was his realm. So, he confused their languages and scattered them. I wonder why he hasn’t put a stop to modern sky scrapers. Surely the height of a ziggurat could not compare to the Sears Tower.

    So, when the Bible talks about “the circle of the earth”, it appears to be talking about a flat, round surface, not a sphere.

    But, let’s give God the benefit of the doubt and overlook this mistake. Let’s assume that he really did know the shape of the earth. Would that be evidence of divine inspiration?
    Everyone who grew up watching Bugs Bunny knows that common knowledge held the earth to be flat until Christopher Columbus proved them wrong. Except, of course, for a bunch of Greek fellows. In 240 BC, Eratosthenes not only figured out that the earth was spherical, he even managed to devise a brilliant method of calculating its diameter using trigonometry.

    Aristarchus built on this information to calculate the diameter of the sun. He was a little off, but he realized that the earth and sun were both spherical, and that the sun was many times larger than the earth. According to the Encylopedia Brittanica, the spherical shape of the earth was common knowledge among the Egyptians and Greeks as far back as 2550 BC.
    So, even if God had actually thought that the earth was spherical, it really wasn’t that remarkable of a conclusion. Other people, not too far away, had figured it out all by themselves.

  • hibiscusfire


    Do you insist on clinging to the Bible as anything other than fiction?

    The bible is not fiction, your parents are.

    When will you learn to think for yourself? Because, you see, if you still believe in the Bible--then you are still slogging away reading some other mystical conman's interpretation of private source knowledge.

    I do most certainly think for myself, that's why God gave us a brain. However, wisdom comes from God. Read Proverbs.

    FACT: a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened

    I've read the bible many times in many ways with many methods. What information does the bible contain that is "obviously" from a divine source and unavailable to any other people?

    If you were not bias from the beginning of your reading the bible then you would have been able to pick up on the facts. AND that sir is a FACT.

    God might have mentioned micro-organisms, for example. Millions have died not knowing exactly what a germ is or how disease is transmitted. Even Jesus' disciples didn't wash their hands before eating.

    Are you sure?

    Name just one thing written in the Bible that was completely UNknown by humans which only a superhuman agency could have revealed. One thing.

    The way the Universe holds itself together or rather the milky way solar system.


  • avidbiblereader

    You say humans provided energy, I dont think a human produced the sun or solar system, humans didnt provide oil, natural gas, they may have figured out how to harness it but didnt produce it.

    Take a look at the wisdom found in the Bible, look at the pathetic condition of this world and Just as the only source of Truth John 17:17 says in

    Jer 8:9

    9 The wise men shall be put to shame; they shall be dismayed and taken [captive]. Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord, and what wisdom and broad, full intelligence is in them?

    Just the wisdom alone in Proverbs and Eccl, says more than the volumns produced by such educated men, all the talk show hosts and others who give their "wise" words as mankind continues to suffer.

    Just because the Witnesses did us in, is no right to take it out on God, to deny His existence or doubt the Authority of His Word.

    Just as Proverbs 19:3 says in the Amplified Trans

    3 The foolishness of man subverts his way [ruins his affairs]; then his heart is resentful and frets against the Lord.



  • RunningMan

    And, as for God's hygiene regulations, you recall that he told the Israelites to take a stick with them when they squatted, so that they could cover their poop.

    Well, that's not bad advice when you've got twelve people living in tents. But, don't forget that, according to the Bible, there were approximately 2 million Israelites wandering in the wilderness. Imagine a nomadic camp with the population of the greater Cincinatti or Vancouver metropolitain area, and now picture all of those people walking outside the camp, taking a crap, and then covering it with dirt.

    All in all, I'd say God's hygiene record was a little weak. He couldn't even think of digging a latrine.

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