NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    you are not allowing God to reveal it to you because of stubborness.

    *sniff, sniff*

    Mmmmmm. Nothing like the smell of slowly roasting Ad Hominum on a summer afternoon.

    Open Mind

  • greendawn
    But the notion of believing in something just because it makes you feel better is silly.

    Very true, it's just that some people find it totally natural to believe in God and some don't. The believers may even say they experienced the existance of God or angels the atheists or agnostics will say: but we didn't.

    Personally I don't and never did have the least doubt that a creator exists and it buffles me why anyone would believe in the power of blind chance as the creator of the wonderful and unfathomably complex world around us.

  • minimus

    Well, when we do as the Bible says and "abstain from blood" transfusions, then "good health" to us!

  • skeeter1

    Women are more advanced than men.


  • trevor
    I'm caught in the middle here. While I believe in a Creator, I have doubts that the bible was directed by God Himself.

    Mary - you are not caught any where except where you choose to be. That is where all of us are.

    We Occupy different positions throughout our lives, depending on the level of our insight and development. We are all at different points on the journey so we all see life from different perspectives.

    So much is lost in the ambiguity of the words we choose to describe our experience and explanation of where we think we are - if we are anywhere at all.

  • Terry
    Well, when we do as the Bible says and "abstain from blood" transfusions, then "good health" to us!

    Then, why oh why Minimus are you so suspiciously blood red? Eh?

  • 5go
    Personally I don't and never did have the least doubt that a creator exists and it buffles me why anyone would believe in the power of blind chance as the creator of the wonderful and unfathomably complex world around us.

    Ok what was the odds god of their being a god to cause this to from this way still boils down to chance.

    We are saying the bible got the formation of the earth and the creature on the earth wrong.

    Also science has but forth theories that better hold to the evidence that exists currently.

    I am currently a athiest gnostic holding out hope for some knowledge of deities and ways to contact them. Though currently I have not found anything yet to get my hopes up.

  • parakeet

    quietlyleaving wrote: "He gave me my 2 children"

    He also gave intestinal worms, malaria, HIV, rabies, etc., that kill millions of children every year. You can't have it only one way -- you have to take the sour along with the sweet. If God reveals himself by the creation of innocent children, then he also reveals himself in every other form of life.

  • Terry
    Personally I don't and never did have the least doubt that a creator exists and it buffles me why anyone would believe in the power of blind chance as the creator of the wonderful and unfathomably complex world around us.

    I'm guessing you don't play cards!

    Every hand of poker is won by somebody who holds cards obtained by blind chance.

    BLIND CHANCE is sought after by shuffling the deck between hands.

    Please ask yourself the question "What difference does it make how you hold a winning hand as long as you play it right?" and you are halfway there.

  • Quentin
    Every hand of poker is won by somebody who holds cards obtained by blind chance.

    Not so, there are those that cheat...

    There is a God, no there's not, yes there is, no, yes, no, yes, no, can't prove it one way, or the other and both sides cheat...there are just as many lame brain, goober scientist that pound a square peg into a round hole as there are lame brained, goober religonist that do the same...anyone of them would dance a jig cackling with glee while turning you on a spite over a slow's been done many, many times through out history....thousands slaughtered in the name of God, or in the name of Science...where's the justice in that? Both sides are covered in blood...

    In the end religon and science will destroy the human race, unless that big bad ass comet/astoriod doesn't do it frist....

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