NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The topic being discussed isn't inconsistencies in the Bible.

    I was referring to the first account of creation over 6/7 days.

    If it is correct, how could ancient mankind have known that order?

    I keep guessing what you are trying to prove. Let me try again. Here is one group of fundamentalists disproving another group by referencing what you have brought up. (I assume you are familiar with Hugh Ross and his "Reasons to Believe" ministry.

    Terry, I don't give a toss about them, let 'em argue, that's precisely why I'm seeking a non-theistic view!!! (btw - no I haven't heard of Hugh Ross but will check him out now) I'm not trying to PROVE anything - remember, my initial post to this thread began with the the words "How about...?" I asked a question/invited reply and have got nothing back so far.

    I'm asking YOU HERE for YOUR thoughts on my comment - so other than to merely tell me it's a pile of rubbish - tell me why you think it is.

    The questions aren't too difficult to understand, you just keep skirting round them!!

    1 In the 6/7 day creation account written in the Bible, does everything occur in the same order as we now believe evolution occured?

    The answer to this should be 'yes', 'partly' or 'no' (with a constructive explanation or links to show if you wish).

    2 If so, how could ancient mankind have known that order?

    The answer to this one is very dependent on your own personal view - which I will greatly appreciate and take more notice of as long as you don't resort to insulting me, my intelligence or my existing views!! A little respect is not too much to ask, no matter how stupid you think someone else's PoV is.

    "This is my truth, now tell me yours." Nye Bevan

  • Awakened07

    Sad Emo:

    People use the science of today to make sense of the creation story of the Bible. When something said there doesn't match what are known observable facts today, people will say "Well, you have to understand it like this, not like that."

    For instance, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." (KJV)

    According to our best natural understanding, light came into existence quite immediately after the Big Bang - not after the planets had formed. That's pretty basic. "Well, obviously, but that verse is referring to the light from our sun shining upon the earth". OK, but our sun was also formed before the planet according to science [edited to say: planets formed from a disk around the sun, so you could say they formed at the same time, but I think the sun "sparked" and became a "nuclear furnace" before the planets were completely formed [/edited]. "OK.... but then this first light must have been emanating from God himself, it was the light of God". OK, but that kind of ruins the explanation for verse 16:

    In verse 16, it says (14 and 15 first): "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good."

    This verse is explained to mean that God "obviously" didn't create the sun and the moon at this point (why not? because science has found out that couldn't be the case, or because....?), but that the sun had been created in verse 1 already, and that this verse simply means that the rays of the sun for some reason didn't reach the surface of the earth until this point, or that from a human observer's perspective (had he been present), the atmosphere became clearer and the sun would become visible on earth at this point.

    This creates two problems (at least):

    1) There was a water firmament surrounding earth according to the Bible, and that water firmament or canopy was used in the deluge of Noah's day. All of earth was covered with this water (plus the waters of the deep), enough to go above any mountain (even though lower than today, still quite a few thousand feet high I'd think - otherwise you couldn't really call them mountains). With this water canopy surrounding earth - how would you be able to see the sun - or the moon? Do you see the sun even on a normal, cloudy day? But back then, there was a really thick water canopy surrounding earth. How could one say that the sun became more visible (from a human observer's perspective) on this day because the atmosphere cleared up, when there was this really thick layer of water around the globe?

    2) God created grass and plants/trees on the third day: "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

    Since we're trying to establish if this story is scientifically correct (and if so, establish that Moses couldn't have known how this happened on his own), it's important to note that plants would have needed the sun in order to live. But the sun was created on the next day - which if you're an "old earth creationist" like JWs are, would have lasted several thousand years. Several thousand years for plants, with no sunlight. Yes, you could call in a miracle, but then this debate would be moot. You could say as I explained above that He didn't create the sun after the plants, but that the sun became visible, or it's rays came through on the day after the plants had been created, but then you'd still get the problems I mentioned above.

    I am aware of the different Hebrew words used for the creation of the initial light and the sun; 'created' (bara') and 'made' ('asah) , but I don't see the big significance. When you just read the story as-is, it looks like God created light on the first day, but only after having made the heavens and earth. He made the sun and the moon on the fourth day. He made the plants and trees on the day before He made the sun. You can explain it away as I described, but it doesn't read as clearly and concisely as you'd think it would, coming directly from God Himself.

    Why do we assume that the creation story must mean this-and-that which is in agreement with modern science when ever it seems to be contradicting modern science? Could it be because we know that's not how it could have happened, and since this is The creation story, we have to assume that we must interpret it differently than what is directly written?

    Wouldn't that be a kind of circular logic?

    Conversation: "This is the creation story as inspired by God. Just look at it and you'll see it agrees with science." "OK, I've looked at it, but it doesn't seem to agree with science to me?" "Well - you have to interpret it a different way for it to agree with science, but then it does. And then you'll see it must be the word of God."

    I don't know. I may have missed something.

  • Terry

    1 In the 6/7 day creation account written in the Bible, does everything occur in the same order as we now believe evolution occured?

    The answer to this should be 'yes', 'partly' or 'no' (with a constructive explanation or links to show if you wish).

    2 If so, how could ancient mankind have known that order?

    There are a couple of ways of answering your question since you ASSUME it is nearly impossible or wholly improbable that an order of events could correspond by accident or sheer luck.

    If you were writing a story about building a guest house for a guest there would be a logical order of events in that preparation.

    For instance, the first thing and the last thing done would hardly be up for grabs. You wouldn't wait until your guests arrive before preparing the building materials to build a bedroom and you wouldn't prepare their room without first turning on the lights. But, before you turn on the lights you have wire them. Before you wire them you have to get your building materials in order. You can't get the materials in order unless you first purchase them and have them delivered.

    You see?

    The ordering of events in any story is dictated by the necessity of the storyline.

    Genesis is purporting to demonstrate the creation from the standpoint of preparing a place for man to dwell and worship god.

    There are two separate and differently ordered accounts of creation. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. In Genesis 2 man is created before plants and animals!

    So, there goes the perfect order of things.......anyway...

    Here is a brief article you might enjoy.

    Did God light the fuse of the Big Bang?

    Some have tried to fit the first creation account in Genesis chapter 1 into modern cosmology.

    Seems natural enough. "Let there be light" could be the Big Bang. Each of the six days of Creation could actually have been billions of years.

    There’s what seems like an upward "evolution" in the order of creation of living things that seems correct. Plants, lower to higher animals, then people.

    But let’s take a closer look at what Genesis actually says.

    From the get go there are problems. In the first two verses, Heaven and Earth are created. This is before the "let there be light" command which is supposed to be the Big Bang. According to theory, there was no space before the Big Bang for the Earth to exist in any type of shape or condition. Space itself expanded after the Big Bang.

    In verse 5 God is separating light from darkness which one might interpret as something in the unfolding of the universe except that the Bible has God calling the light day and the darkness night and then there’s an evening and a morning. This would indicate that this is the Earth rotating and being lit from something other than the Sun (created "Genesis days" or billions of years later) which contradicts the theory of solar system formation which has the Earth and the Sun forming at the same time.

    In verse 11 God creates the plants before the creation of the Sun which seems like a huge problem since plants obviously evolved to perform photosynthesis from sunlight.

    Also the Bible has trees being created before "swimming creatures." "Swimming creatures" or marine animals evolved in the oceans long before any life (including trees) began populating the land.

    In verse 16 God finally makes the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. But dating of rocks from the Moon shows that the Moon and the Earth are virtually the same age. The Earth is not billions of years (or four "Genesis days") older than the Moon.

    Also all elements other than hydrogen and helium were created by the deaths of stars, yet the Bible has the Earth, land, water, etc… billions of years before the stars are even created.

    Actually the Genesis chapter one creation story seems more in line with a much older Babylonian creation myth called "Enuma Elish," at least as far as the order of creation in Genesis and the Enuma Elish’s "generation of gods." Also similar is the dividing of Tehowm (Genesis waters or "deep") into two with a sky dome or "firmament" and the slicing of the water snake "Tiamat" (Enuma Elish) into two.

    It’s thought that the Genesis version was likely derived either from Enuma Elish or a similar older creation myth.

  • AuldSoul

    I haven't yet read all responses, but these are a few that come to mind.

    Immaculate conception accounts (all of them, Biblical and otherwise) show that it is possible to have children without ever having intercourse. As late as 1880 this seemed to critics a ridiculous impossibility, believers subjected to nearly endless interrogatory as to HOW it was accomplished. This has now been scientifcally proven possible. Many living, breathing people are leading productive lives although their parents never had sex. (see Sperm Bank)

    Matter transmutation is theoretically probable. There are many accounts of matter transmutation from a variety of different cultures, a famous one is water into wine. We now comprehend that this requires nothing more complicated than the reordering of available atoms.

    The beginning of almost all human technological advancements is the knowledge of how to start fire, knowledge attributed almost ubiquitously to a gift from various Gods.

    It is theoretically possible to genetically predict the general nature and disposition of a person even at the embryonic stage of development. Theoretically, it could even become possible at the zygote stage. Many accounts throughout history exist of people claiming to know the nature of an unborn child and correctly predicting it. Often, the credit for such knowledge is attributed to God or Gods.

    There are others.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thank you Awakened07 and Terry! Now I have something to think about and process at last!!!

    I've had a quick read through both your posts - and they look good! - but will read them more closely later when I'm a bit more awake and able to concentrate.

    One comment for now though:

    you ASSUME it is nearly impossible or wholly improbable that an order of events could correspond by accident or sheer luck.

    No I don't assume (dictionary def: to accept something to be true without question or proof) anything - I suspect or have a theory maybe and am questioning and developing my current views. Again, why I was asking in the first place! Please stop assuming things about what I believe lol!

  • Terry
    Please stop assuming things about what I believe lol!

    Okly, doakly!

  • hibiscusfire

    He also gave intestinal worms, malaria, HIV, rabies, etc., that kill millions of children every year. You can't have it only one way -- you have to take the sour along with the sweet.

    God gave the lady her 2 children. God did not give intestinal worms, malaria, HIV, rabies, etc., that kill millions of children every year. All the bad things have come into existence because of sin.

    Did God tell people to do wrong things? No.

    Did God tell people to be unclean and not take care of themselvs? No.

    Did God tell people to litter all over the place to give the unhealthy environment we have today? No.

    All the bad things that you claim come from God actually exist because of sin. We are to blame. How can we blame God for our wrongdoings? It is like a wicked man (Wayne) blaming someone else (Gary) for a crime he (Gary) did not commit when the truth is that wicked man (Wayne) is the guilty one.


  • eclipse
    God did not give intestinal worms, malaria, HIV, rabies, etc., that kill millions of children every year. All the bad things have come into existence because of sin.

    So they just came about by chance? No complex molecules atoms and DNA structures? They all came about by what, evolution?

    So god created all the other perfect stuff but none of the ''icky'' things like viruses, deadly bacteria, worms, parasites, etc. hmmm?

    Yes that is logical.

    Let's blame everything on sin.

    I am not saying that man's problems are god's fault. Not at all.

    You will find that atheists will agree with you that man is only to blame for their own problems.

    Sin has been established to be a creation of power-hungry men to exert control over the masses.

  • parakeet

    hibiscusfire wrote: "All the bad things that you claim come from God actually exist because of sin. We are to blame. How can we blame God for our wrongdoings? It is like a wicked man (Wayne) blaming someone else (Gary) for a crime he (Gary) did not commit when the truth is that wicked man (Wayne) is the guilty one."

    So how did disease, intestinal worms, etc., come into existence? Humans didn't create them (although I once constructed a wooden dinosaur from a kit, and it was very difficult). If God created them, then it must have been after the creation and fall of Adam and Eve. Wasn't God supposed to be taking his seventh-day vacation right about then?

  • hibiscusfire

    eclipse:So they just came about by chance? No complex molecules atoms and DNA structures? They all came about by what, evolution?

    So god created all the other perfect stuff but none of the ''icky'' things like viruses, deadly bacteria, worms, parasites, etc. hmmm? Yes that is logical. Let's blame everything on sin.I am not saying that man's problems are god's fault. Not at all.

    You will find that atheists will agree with you that man is only to blame for their own problems. Sin has been established to be a creation of power-hungry men to exert control over the masses.

    Ok eclipse. To tell you the truth, all these "icky" things would not have come about if man had obeyed God. God told man not to do certain things which would cause harm and death to him. But he didn't listen so all these bad came in. Do you remember Adam & Eve? God told them not to eat from the tree of knowlege. They had everything they needed...but they wanted more. More... that would have opened their eyes to things they should not have known or seen. More that would hurt them and it did. He did warn them.

    It's like protecting your child from seeing or doing horrible things that would scar them emotionally and may cause them to hurt themselves physically. God is our Heavenly Father. He only wants to protect us and give us good things but we are harden and stubborn and want more...more...and more that we don't really need or just plain curious. People in nature are curious but we should listen to those who know better. God always knows best. We just don't listen and get in trouble.


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