by Mary 204 Replies latest social current

  • AudeSapere

    DB means discussion board.

    Still you seem to miss everyone's point. You are welcome here but either provide meaningful contributions or you will considered a troll - fair fodder for everyone.

    You seem to just want to pick a fight and sidestep any mention of your quite apparent hipocracy. The WTS warns you to avoid apostates. The apostates welcome you. But you chose to taunt the apostates and hail the WTS as god-given spiritual council. Then you have the audacity to cry 'foul'.

    Funny thing about nasty apostates. If and when you do finally start having rational discussions with them, they tend to be mostly forgiving of past indiscretions and will be reasonable in their treatment of you.

    So far you are just looking to make trouble. Something most of us already have enough of.

    Since you are not looking for a real discussion, we dub you 'Troll'.

    -Aude. aka Denise. <- really and ex-jw from NJ and sometimes called 'Matt'.

  • quietlyleaving
    Oh let's see.........Yes I know a lot of Witnesses that are 'leeches' from my old Hall. Want some examples? First one is an elder. Collects a "Disability Pension" because his backs too sore for him to work. Funny thing is, he does all kinds of building 'on the side' that doesn't seem to hurt his back at all, plus he gets paid in cash so that he doesn't have to pay an tax on it. The other elders are fully aware of this, but seeing as most of them are also doing some pretty shady deals, they just look the other way. Another sister had to go to work for the first time in her life a few years ago. Decided she didn't want to work (cut into her social time with other Dubs) so she developed "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and now collects a Disability Pension. I hear she put her application in for pioneering in June.

    I know of an elder too who claims disability benefits and pioneers, he also leads 3 midweek groups. He is the disability expert in his congregation and actively encourages and helps dubs claim disability benefits - after they have succeeded he helps them auxillary pioneer.

    Also know a pioneer who is on benefits for her bad back, but she is able to hop in and out of her car (supplied by the government) climbs stairs etc.

  • Brigid
    Perhaps, but the fact that some people are unwilling to work is an indictment against the individual. A society that rewards people for not working certainly has problems so it's not entirely fair to blame the Gillespies. The socialist culture that gives them their sense of entitlement is indeed also to blame.

    No offsense to any posters, but this is one of the best-grab-your-popcorn-threads imo for a long time. I'm bored with (don't have time to scroll up) the ill-mannered JW apologist tone.

    This is great stuff!

    Anyone want to comment on socialism's role in this story? Does capitalism do a better job?


    Also, why do we have a visceral reaction to large numbers of mouths issuing from one gene pool to feed (obviously the community picks up most of the tab...interesting)? I'm just curious.

  • greendawn

    Littlerockguy it is the state's responsibility to support and offer incentives for large families which are always voicing complaints through their associations that they are being neglected and prejudiced against.

    In the EU there is a stronger culture for social policies than in the USA so helping large families just as providing free hospital treatment are considered normal. Let's also not forget that when those twelve kids grow up and start working they will contribute to the state coffers by paying income tax and indirect taxes.

  • Littledreamfaery

    I've noticed how with the 'discussion' there isn't really a lot of discussing actually happening, it seems to be more a case of shouting down anyones opinion which happens to be in even slight support of this family. Now that is not what I've come to know as a discussion, discussion are usually those things in which one person opinion is taken on board and discussed even if your view is not that of the person who has spoke, discussions don't usuaully consist of ripping the opposition to pieces unless the discussion consists entirely of politicians.

    Now I would like to say I believe (and this is my belief, I know it may not be anyone elses, and so I don't expect any support on the matter one what I believe) that this family is entitled to the money they are recieving, although that does not mean that I believe they 'deserve' it, but it would appear that it is more cost effective for them to live on benefit and support their family doing so than it is for them to not be on benefit. I don't think that anyone has a right to say how many children a couple should or shouldn't have, a lot of the time the people who are saying how many children a couple should have are the ones who are unable to have any, or feel threatened by the fact that someone has had more than them.
    Now I know it supposidely cost a lot to look after ones children, I for one wouldn't know considering I have none, but I know that somehow my parents managed to look after me even though they had very little money. I don't think that it is right to judge a family on whether or not the parents are in work, or how much the parents are earning, there are too many people out there who think they are so great just because they happen to have a job, and just because it pays well, even though they may pay their taxs, and they may do whatever it is they do, they only reason they are actually working is so they can live, so they can feed themselves and so their family (if they have a family) can also live. I don't know why people have to be all high and mighty about actually having a job, it doesn't make you a nicer person, it doesn't mean your children are anymore likely to work than the family whose parents don't go out to work.

    And also there seems to be a lot of judgement with regards to people who are 'claiming' to be disabled and therefore getting money for that. Just because you have experienced one person claiming to be disabled who can 'function' perfectly well with regards to their living and such like, doesn't mean that everyone who is disabled is like that, and disabled refers not only to physical disabilities but also to mental disabilities if you didn't know.

    You may think what I've put is rubbish, but then that is only your opinion, I have to say I know a lot of people who would agree with me on what I have to say.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Is that what is says? I'm sorry can you not read either? Your question is as dumb as the rest of your comments

    nj (as in ex-nj-jw) Sorry this site does not allow for sound, maybe someone can read this for you.

  • Rosalee


    The sarcasm split your forehead as it flew over.

    Must everything be spelled out for you?


    Ask Denise ... she caught on.

  • quietlyleaving
    And also there seems to be a lot of judgement with regards to people who are 'claiming' to be disabled and therefore getting money for that. Just because you have experienced one person claiming to be disabled who can 'function' perfectly well with regards to their living and such like, doesn't mean that everyone who is disabled is like that,

    No one here is saying that everyone who is disabled is like that.

    and disabled refers not only to physical disabilities but also to mental disabilities if you didn't know.

    we know that. The 2 people I mentioned both claim they have physical disabilities that prevent them walking 60 metres.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome to JWD littledream,

    All we are saying is that if you want to have a million kids that's on you. But regardless as to whether or not you have 1 child or 12 children, YOU as PARENTS should be the ones taking financial responsibility for them. If you can't afford to take care of them and provide for them, don't have them. Or only have what you can provide for.


  • ex-nj-jw

    The sarcasm split your forehead as it flew over.

    Must everything be spelled out for you?

    Nope, but it's obvious you did Need a bandaid???


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