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by Core88 146 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrow
    Failure is not an option

    John Doe is right Core when you read this tomorrow. You can turn this around.

  • Scully

    JWD posters are just amazing.

    BTW, the information available to me was really not all that helpful in locating Core88.

  • truthsearcher


    I was reading through some of your previous posts and I saw that you have been reading your Bible this year and learning things that you never knew while you were trapped in the cult.

    I read that you were seeing who Jesus really was and finding comfort in that fact.

    Let me encourage you to listen to his words from the Bible:

    "Come to me, Core, you are weary and heavily laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28-30)

    He wants to give rest to you here in this life that you are living and take the burden off your shoulders that is giving you such pain right now.

    Core, please know that he loves you so deeply and that he has a purpose and a plan for your life. It will include, in time, turning your deep sorrow into dancing. He will take away your grief, and give you joy. Psalm 30:11

    I have found great comfort in reading the Psalms. David had times of deep distress and depression, and his words have always helped me to focus on turning to someone Greater than me who can handle things when my life is out of control.

    I don't know the specifics of why you are feeling so hopeless right now, but I want you to know that you are loved. Please hang on! PM me for more encouragement, I would love to talk and pray with you.

    With sincere Christian love,


  • Flowerpetal

    Core, DITTOS to everyone posting to you. Family is the most important thing you can have--if it's just you and your son, YOU ARE FAMILY. You shouldn't want to leave him to the will of other adults who "know what's best for him" plus he would be angry with you for leaving him maybe for the rest of his life. I hope when you wake up this morning, you will see things more clearly and make good decisions.

    Man if I were you, I'd take that Hawaii offer. I've been there--it's a beautiful place. I have a friend who lives on the Big Island and she has her own little area, sort of hilly, where she goes to stay grounded.

  • delilah
    Family is the most important thing you can have--if it's just you and your son, YOU ARE FAMILY. You shouldn't want to leave him to the will of other adults who "know what's best for him" plus he would be angry with you for leaving him maybe for the rest of his life. I hope when you wake up this morning, you will see things more clearly and make good decisions.

    I couldn't have said it any better, Flowerpetal. Amen. have a terrific network of friends here, people who really do care about your well-being. Please don't end your life. Your son needs you. He loves you.

    Please let us know you are alright.


  • Gopher

    BTTT - This is by far the day's most important thread.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Not felt like posting much recently, but seeing this thread...

    Firstly I can only agree with all the other posters here in saying don't do something that is permanent, for a temporary problem. I am literally amazed at the lengths the board has gone to in loving support of a fellow member, one day when your through this, with your experience you too can be a support to another person suffering like you are at this moment. Talking is probably the single one thing that will bring you through your pain, you've been courageous enough to speak up, so continue doing so, listen to the experiences of people here, so you know its normal to feel this way, and also that it wont last forever.

    I wish you all the best, take good care

    CS 101

  • quietlyleaving


    here for you when you're awake and feel like talking.


  • AgentSmith

    Core. I am so glad you trusted us with your pain, Sharing does make it easier to deal with it.

    Big hugs Buddy! You are amongst friends.


  • megsmomma

    Hi Corey,

    I know you don't know me...but, I have dealt with those feelings too. I lost my daughter when leaving "the truth"...I have done so many things I have regretted because I was so messed up and had no one that seemed to care about me. There were times I felt like my life was permantley damaged and I felt no hope. But, things do improve. You know the saying...there is no where to go but up. I feel for you truly with all my heart. Things will get better the more you realise how the "real world' works....and how you can recover from being in a cult. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to you!


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