The Natural Beauty of Your Neighborhood

by compound complex 293 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dearest Baba,

    Thank you!



  • BabaYaga

    CoCo... check your PMs!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Done, Baba ...

    Many thanks!



  • compound complex
    compound complex


    The sea brought Roberto to us, though he was as good as dead. A limp and lifeless child he was when deposited at our back door by a sea that had raged the evening before. On his behalf, most certainly, but more peculiarly in the interest of my miserable, lonesome self has the roiling Atlantic shown an uncharacteristic magnanimity. Mercy. Charity.

    I have never known a man yet I have become a mother, that without the attendant discomforts that ultimately culminate in the travail of birth. Roberto, once awake, latched onto me as though I were his true mother and was loath to leave my side. At first. By degrees, he weaned himself away from our protective embrace. The draw was not so much from without, that of a young man's being lured to high adventure - surely it had been adventure sufficient for a lifetime to be cast unwittingly into the drink - but the natural curiosity of a guileless young man who simply needed to explore his new world. Roberto's nascent world - one of miraculous rebirth and subsequent discovery - was in a parallel course with the old and comfortable world inhabited by two lonely but amiable spinsters ... Whose life has been irrevocably upended....

  • four candles
  • coffee_black
    coffee_black have a pm


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Cara Coffee e Cara Baba:


    Con Amore,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Four Candles:

    You've got the knack! Stunning view of silhouetted mountains and raging waterfall.

    Thanks for sharing. Please send more.


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    We're about a fortnight's journey from the Forbidden City. Our yak must think we're crazy, pushing on relentlessly as we do. Yet the nomads travel but a few miles and then permit their beasts to browse the high pastures. We've encountered diverse setbacks, following mountain trails that led us smack into rocky walls that showed us no immediately recognizable path of ascent. Additionally, there were the shifty-eyed brigands, known throughout the region as Khampas. Their encampment - Gyak Bongra - is a name that makes brave men tremble. We learned that to our chagrin. The frisson sprinting up our collective spine is caused more by our anticipating their cunning incursions into our plans than by the ravaging cold itself.As it stands, we did escape, mainly through a bit of bravado and the use of our wiles. Despite the continual anxiety over possible raids, our continuous concern is the bitter cold and fending off its ravages. Frostbite is our principal worry. We have no gloves, but only old socks as their replacement. Often we've no choice but to bivouac in the open. Rarely do we come upon an "ihega," a sheltering stone fence that protects against the wind. The below-freezing temperatures frequently render sleep impossible; however, because of sheer exhaustion, our eventual slumber becomes leaden.

    We've bluffed our way through various check points on an expired travel permit. Some subordinate officials are skeptical, but others are happy to see us on our way. Our final destination serenely awaits our arrival.

    What further challenges await us? Despite our physical pains and utter exhaustion, we are drawn inexorably toward our objective. If only by dint of sheer determination and will, we shall see the fabled city at the top of the world.

  • four candles
    four candles

    OK,heres a view of the mountains,looking towards North Wales.

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