Don Imus Fired!

by minimus 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Does anybody know how the meeting with Imus and the girls went last night?? Other than the NJ governor being in critical condition because he tried to meet with them, I haven't heard anything.

  • heathen
    "Nappy Headed Ho" Bears are now being sold on the internet. Google it. Tee shirts and other stuff.

    LMAO You gots to be kidding..................... BTW- a nappy headed ho was sited in my neighborhood and tried to hussle me the other day ...............

  • minimus

    These little bears are white and have a red ribbon.

  • lonelysheep

    * I have only read a few pages of replies, so apologies if I repeat too much of what's been said.

    My personal thoughts--

    When I heard the recording of that particular show, my jaw dropped!!! "WTF," I thought. He went beyond what should be said on his show. His show being one that is was aired on MSNBC and CBS radio. It's not satellite, where you can truly say whatever is on your mind and no offense can even be voiced because that is where true freedom of speech exists. That is the state of the airways these days, like it or not. He had the priveledge of speaking publicly, so what is the point of not biting your tongue a bit?! I mean, people listen to him for a reason, but that reason is not a desire to be offended!

    By using the word, "nappy," he was referring to the ladies' race, and by using the word, "ho," he was referring to the female gender.

    Freedom of speach does not mean freedom to offend. I'm sure plenty of people (and some of you here) thought that comment was a funny one, quite funny, probably. I'm sure you do because you see black women the same way Imus does, as "nappy headed hos". Quite honestly, that's no surprise. That goes back a few hundred years to the slave days in this country. Black women are looked down upon by those white men who hold the view that they are automatically whores--Imus, and those of you who agree with him and see nothing wrong with what he said. Maybe the only time you see black women is in the pornos you whack off to and the rap videos you might flip through on television. Easy to allow yourself to view them as a "ho" that way, huh? Easy for the Rutgers women's basketball team to be labeled that way and laughed at. Hate mail has even been sent to them for having a reaction to someone's WRONG opinion. Apparently, a lot of people see the team as overreacting due to someone's unnecessary remark. Someone who millions of US citizens listen to and watch. Black or white.

    Easy to use the Rutgers women's basketball team as a scapegoat for the anger of the network's reactions to a demeaning comment against all women, really. I was under the impression that this country had come farther than that of Imus's thinking, that women can be labeled so lowly and that be an ok thing. Young, intelligent women who, if their skin was peach, ivory, or rosacea, would recieve an enormous amount of kudos from the media just for being 'such great young and talented ladies who will make a difference in this world.' But hey, it's a white man's world afterall, and Imus should be able to say whatever he wants, right? So what, he just talked about some black girls, right? WRONG!

    Oh, the rappers who call women "hos" all the time. It's ok for them to do it but not Imus? NO!!! Contrary to the ignorant white man's belief, black women do not aspire to be a ho, nor should black women be labeled as such at anytime. Just because you see paid groupies in videos does not mean a particular race and gender group falls into that category. Common sense is supposed to cover that thinking, though. It is wrong for them to say it. It's even more disgusting, in fact. Again, that damn thing called common sense is supposed to kick in and tell people not to generalize, but individualize. You can't assume that because a person is black, they listen to that shit, either.

    Journey-on said: Is a "nappy-headed ho" the same thing as a "bleached-blonde bimbo" only of a different color? Would the BBB remark have stirred up this much controversy? Thoughts please..................

    Good point, which I would like to address.

    Bleached-blonde bimbo (BBB) is a put down. At the same time, it is also a characteristic that allows you to get things in this country--promotions, money, jobs, POSITIVE attention, kind treatment, all because of how a women looks. I'm sure we're all familiar with the look of Barbie being an appealing trait for the most part. I don't mean individually, but generally, in a sociologic reference. If a majority white team was referred to as such, I truly have no doubt that the outrage over the categorizing of women would have been spoken up about very quickly and very, very vocally by feminists, ministers and politicians. The entire country would then fully support the cause of some type of reprimanding for his speech.

    It would hurt me to be referred to as a (insert any word) ho over the radio!! It would anger and sadden me to hear this being said about my daughter, my friends or anyone, really. Would this not offend you and yours??

    Guess what?? A LOT of people (not just white) think Al Sharpton needs to shut the hell up all the time. Not everyone wants to hear what he has to say about everything. That's his job, so he won't shut up. He would go broke! Not everyone gets to have a voice on CNN, and that is just about the only black person the media turns to these days.

    Should Don Imus have been fired? I don't think it matters. He'll be taken care of financially, he'll get a show on satellite radio soon, I don't doubt, and he'll get to say whatever he wants to from now on with no one else's opinion to hold any weight. In essence, he'll be making more money any day now. He's still got it damn good.

  • Brother Apostate
  • EnlightenedMind

    "Highly respected gansta rappers." lol What a paradox!

  • Brother Apostate
  • MsMcDucket
    BTW- a nappy headed ho was sited in my neighborhood and tried to hussle me the other day ...............

    Was it your sister?

  • minimus

    LS, I enjoyed your response! A putdown is a putdown, isn't it? On the other hand, I fear we might tend to get a bit oversensitive to any slurs. Every ethnic group gets a potshot taken at them. It might even hurt their feelings. Or bruise their ego. Who is politically correct? Is someone not going to get offended by someone? Is it right to characterize black females as nappy headed hos? Of course not! But if we were to get offended because someone was pissed off by our being Americans, Brits or whatever, we've got to learn to accept that not everyone shares our (correct) views.

    If many people went to inner city comedy shoes, they'd probably REALLY be offended. Glad I'm pretty thick skinned.

  • Brother Apostate

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