I'm Attending the Memorial

by RichieRich 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • averyniceguy

    Richie, if you have that toothpick nose piercing, I would not be surprised if the elders decided to turn you away, you would be a very big distraction to the Memorial. I would like to bet $1 that Richie will not stay in the KH during the Memorial especially with that toothpick nose piercing.

  • TheListener


    I admire your strength. You have done well. Perhaps going will give some young ones hope that they can break free and live the life they deserve and perhaps desire.

    Good luck man.

  • bernadette

    Richie you are a brave man - a good point from listener - most of the youngsters there would love to feel that one day they could be free to do whatever and have as many piercings as they want.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    ...just walk in with your camera phone right in front of you so that we can see can see dubs reactions...or have your GF film it. Then we can edit it(add sound effects) and post it on YOUTUBE.

    by the way...post a pic of your BORN AGAIN self for others to see

  • SirNose586

    Your plan is to show everyone that you've suffered no (observable) loss by leaving the org. It would be great to tell everyone your plans, how excited you are to make a good living (or will be), the fun things you do on a Saturday morning, etc. It will make getting up on Saturday to peddle magazines and books to disinterested persons just a little more tough to bear for them, seeing as how you get to go on with your life and do fun things in your free time.

    Or just that: emphasize how much FREE TIME you have. If that's not the case, simply mention how you finally have the time you need for everything you need to accomplish. A bitter taste will be left in their mouths if you describe how "refreshed" you feel when you come home. The meetings are supposed to be refreshing, but we all know better than that. Any use of JW-centric jargon would be quite stinging for them.

    Give firm, hearty handshakes. Clap the men on the back. Give hugs to the women. Greet everyone effusively. If you betray any holes in your armor, they will feel vindicated. Ultimately, they should leave jealous of your newfound freedom, and secretly hoping that you're struck down by Jehober at Armageddon.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    U dis-fella-shipped, "ring" leader???

  • needproof

    You'll regret it. Nice to have a vision of how you plan the evening is going to go, but what's the point?

  • Crumpet

    I TOTALLY get the point Richie. Its something I always dreamt of doing. They strike you off as dead, but you are noe and not only are you alive but you are loving it too. Kudos, immense kudos to that girl of yours. If we could have a pic of you outside the hall before or after that would be great.

    Richie spells Class for me.

    and like BA Baracus once said:

    "You crazy fool!"

    crumpet - worshipful as ever.

  • Crumpet

    hello buddy. am lovely and postate - not quite babe, but one day...

  • Vinny

    I agree with those that think it's a bad idea. It gives the JW's the guaranteed thought that there is hope, you are having doubts, your life outside JW's is going poorly, you are ready to come back etc etc. In fact, I was begged to go last year by my former bible study (whose parents are JW's). I told him under no circumstances would I do that. For the very reasons listed above. People will think Vinny will be back soon, he went to the memorial. He is coming to his senses. We are in the only truth and he is figuring that out once again.

    No, in fact by my NOT attending last year, or this time either, people just might stop to think for a second or two longer. I was a very serious, zealous brother and elder. Somewhere, at some point, even if just in the back of their minds, these programmed, controlled and manipulated JW's just might think maybe Vinny is right afterall.

    I went to a funeral last month which showed all the respect they will ever get from me. I was not happy being there. And you will not be happy being there either. And if you did stay home, then your decision to leave WT-world carries an even greater impact in my opinion.

    Just my two cents.



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