Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W

    Would I be offended? Only to the same degree that I would be if a hetero couple showed affection in a public place. It would depend entirely upon the 'nature' and degree of the demonstrated affection shown..... But I would honestly make no distinction between hetero and homo here. Affection is affection...love is love...and I know some homosexual couples with WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more love and respect operating them than I have seen in many hetero relationships. It's all human.

  • Rabbit

    Like most others...I wouldn't have a problem if people, male, female or transgendered, kissed each other in public. I wouldn't care if they kissed on the mouth, as long as it was a brief simple form of affection and not a drawn out tonsil sucking.

    For instance, at my wedding I kissed my honey good & long on the mouth...right in front of everybody ! Imagine that !

    It's simply none-of-my-business, as long they aren't harming or bothering me or mine by putting-on-a-show for shows sake.


    PS: They should have sued IHOP.

  • SilverNyte

    What the hell is 'IHOP?!'


  • rassillon

    I = International

    H = House

    O = Of

    P = Pancakes

    I would be offended if they were ugly, but I am offended when any ugly people kiss!

  • Rabbit

    International House of Pancakes

    A restaurant chain that serves...well, pancakes and other stuff. It's international...don't they have them up in Canuck Landia ?

  • MsMcDucket
    But I think it would be rude for any couple to Over due it in public.

    Yeah, go get a room. A kiss on the cheek? That's nothing.

  • jaguarbass

    I think men like to see lesbians in action. But we don't like to see homos in action. I think everybody likes to see lesbians in action. So i guess I am defining myself. So no offense to my homo friends.

    Further elaboration. If somebody told you the world was supposed to be a certain way and you believed them. And then you saw parts of it werent, you would be dissapointed and angry and your blood pressure would rise because of the infidels. The world is just the way it is. Forget what someone else told you. Open your eyes and see for yourself.

  • SilverNyte

    International House of Pancakes. Hm. Never heard of it before. I guess I really am separate from the rest of the world! I live five hours North of Toronto, Ontario, inside the world's second largest meteor impact crater, called The Sudbury Basin. It's isolated by some people's standards but there are even more isolated communities up here than mine. Not even JWs are dgo there.


  • Rabbit
    I live five hours North of Toronto, Ontario, inside the world's second largest meteor impact crater

    I've never met anyone who lived in a meteor crater. Hmmm...do y'all have lesbians ?

  • chelsea

    I would LOVE it.

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