Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    Whatever floats their boat. Why would it offend me? I feel that whatever happens as long as it doesn't hurt anoher human, or involve children, is cool.

    Besides......it's kind of hot.

  • Bstndance

    I wouldn't be offended. If they were making out that would be nasty. I hate it when people are all down eachother's throats in public. When I was younger and ballsier I used to say "ew, straight people" when I saw a guy and a girl making out on the "T" in Boston. It usually made them stop.

    Obviously the manager is an ignorant fool and hasn't been to any European or Latin country where everyone kisses to say "hello" even heterosexual men.

    The comments about it being okay for two women but not for two men are a clear sign of the masculinity complex the United States has. And I'm a conservative saying that.

  • JH

    There is nothing wrong seeing 2 women give a kiss on a cheek in public, unless it was the lower cheeks.

  • Leolaia

    This brings back a memory of when I was 15 years old and went to the movies to see Back to the Future. Two girls were sitting in front of the theatre making out with each other, in front of everyone lined up (and it was a huge line). I was a goody-good dubby-dub but privately bi-curious myself, so it kinda blew my world a little...

  • Bstndance

    If those lesbians were smart, they should have announced to the restaurant that they are walking out because they found a fingernail (or similar) in their food.

  • nvrgnbk

    The comments about it being okay for two women but not for two men are a clear sign of the masculinity complex the United States has. And I'm a conservative saying that.

    I did not intend for my comments to indicate approval for lesbians and disapproval for homosexual males.

    I support the rights of both to be who they really are. The "having fun" part of this thread is just that, for fun.

    Some guys might say it's OK "for two women but not for two men" not because they are homophobes, but rather because they are genuinely delighted to see two women being intimate but not at all interested in seeing two men in the same activity. It's simply a matter of one's honest expression of taste.

    Love and respect,


  • minimus

    Leolaia, let's here more about your bi-curiousity.

  • nvrgnbk
    Leolaia, let's here more about your bi-curiousity.

    I was just thinking the same thing.


    I don't really care, as long as it is within the bounds of good taste. In other words, if it's kissing, holding hands, hugging, etc. I would not be bothered. If its beyond that then I would be offended, the same as I would be offended by a straight couple doing that sort of thing in public.

  • avidbiblereader

    What do you mean "IF" it happens Mini, it happens all the time anymore, I personally don't agree with it but this is society, to me it isn't my laws they are breaking, it isn't to me they will answer to. I don't care for it but I am not their judge.


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