Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The French cheek kiss all the time.

  • MinisterAmos
    Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

    Are they hot? Two stripper lesbians making out can be very hot! Two lezzies that hang out in the IHOP in MO, probably no so much....

    I was in Vegas at a concert and I offered my wife to two really hot ones who were making out in front of us. They said OK, but my wife wouldn't go for it.

  • ajwnm

    I am offended when anyone displays affection in public- hetero or homo. There is a time and a place for that and in plain sight of God and everyone is not the right time or place.

  • minimus

    Oh Minister Amos, what's wrong with your wife for passing your offer up?

  • LeslieV

    I would think with a sexual discrimination suit they might own some of IHOP. That manager should be fired!!! period.


  • jeanV
    Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place?


    Unfortunately I have more difficulties with gays.

  • helncon

    Definately not.

    Wouldn't offend me in the least bit.

    I don't get offended when a man and women kiss in public.

    People shouldn't worry so much about what someone else is doing!

    As long as its nothing to much that can get saved for later but just a peck no problem.

  • stillajwexelder

    No - not at all

  • stillajwexelder

    No - not at all

  • hamsterbait


    Remember the benetton AD of Male identical twins? Some idiot thought it was "Homoerotic".

    Innocent affection in public cannot possibly be wrong. Paul says "greet each other with a holy kiss!!"Husbands kiss wife, mom kisses son, daughter kisses father, fiancee kisses fiancee.

    It isn't as if they are lying on the restaurant table copulating in public. How does anybody know what is going on?

    A brother was seen at a DA with his arm around a woman he was talking to. He gave her a big hug and a kiss then walked away. Someone saw this and reported him to their Elders. Turned out they had seen the twin brother of somebody in their circuit with his WIFE.

    In strict Muslim countries no public affection is allowed. Who would want to kiss a sleeping bag in public anyway?


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