Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Panda

    How did I miss this thread? Isn't kissing on the cheek accepted by everyone everywhere and done by everyone everywhere? The guys on the Sopranos always greet each other with a cheek kiss.

  • nvrgnbk

    Ah yes! The lesbian thread.

    Better than a hot cup of coffee!


  • Crumpet

    I shall let you know public affection between women goes down in England after the weekend. I am meeting a new lesbian friend for a picnic by the lake in the grounds of one of our most beautiful places. (I wont be going down...not at the palace I hasten to add!)

  • Honesty

    We had two show up at our worship service one Sunday morning.

    They sat in the front pew right in front of the pastor and made out in full view of over one thousand people as he delivered the message.

    At least the little ones under 7 or 8 were in the nursery and didn't see it.

    What would you have done?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Didn't read the entire thread - but I noted one thing.

    Some posters noted that it would be ok for lesbians to do so, but men would be a problem. Why?

    [For the record, my initial reaction is similar to that.]

    What do you suppose causes us to believe that lesbians can do this in moderation, and homosexual men should not?


  • nsrn

    I'll say it---I would be okay with a greeting peck on the cheek by any combo of persons, but I am uncomfortable with gay/lesbian displays of affection. I will probably never get over my feelings of disapproval of those relationships. Both as a dub and now out for years, I am uncomfortable. But that's me, and I try to be kind and pleasant to everyone. But uncomfortable? yes. Offended? No. Get up and leave? NO.

  • Crumpet

    I think it depends on the where and when. Clearly as honesty described - in church on the front pew is just showing off and is deliberately disrespectfully whether you are religious or not. You'd be just as alarmed if the couple were hetero that they thought this appropriate behaviour.

    In a nightcub I dont think people feel uncomfortable either. But maybe tongue down throat in a restaurant or other public place is just poor taste. I dont think holding hands is wrong anywhere by anyone.

  • minimus

    It's nice to see the lesbian thread back up.

  • msjessiemeghan

    I think I should bring my friend who is a girl (she is straight but we have made out before, I am bi myself) and bring her to the assembly June 1. And we should sit in the back and make out. I would LOVE to give some jdubs a good-ole heart attack!!!!

  • minimus

    QUESTION: If a girl enjoys making out with another girl doesn't that suggest she's either bi or a lesbian.

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