UPDATE!: THEY ALL ADMITTED EGGING US -Elders now know, heads are rolling!!

by Lady Liberty 184 Replies latest jw friends

  • wozadummy

    We all know what really motivated them to do this damage

    Reporting to the police the damage and giving them a possible motive for what happened is a proper thing to do, and then let them handle it at your insistence.

    Was there any offer of cleaning up the mess and financial restitution.....probably not, which indicates their disdain for you?

    As regards the action taken by the elders, well they will only act in harmony with the public notoriety of the incident - if no action is taken by the victims probably nothing will be done to the perpetrators and they will be smugly content to continue in life with little damage to themselves within the confines of their spiritual city breeding children who know they can get away with what father did as a middle age immature hypocrite. The WTS is only interested in minimising publicity not whether some one is hurt by their buffoons.

  • willyloman
    And that it was punishable up to 30 days in jail as well as a fine

    Even more, in some states, if it is established that it was a "hate crime."

    [Sorry if someone already mentioned this; the thread is 7 pages long and I haven't had time to read all of them]

  • gymbob

    What a unbelievable experience you've had LL, I might as well add my 2 cents also (I got shunned by a former elder friend today at the bank, so i'm really in the mood!).

    Don't leave it up to the elders to deal with these people, this is not a cong. matter, report the crime to law enforcement and let them deal with it.

    Contact the local media about what you believe is a "hate crime". Tell them your story, trust me, they will want to hear it.

    And just a side point.... if these were 30-40 year old witness men sitting around playing cards on New Year's Eve, and you think they had not had a few beers already....(?)....I'm just wondering what color the sky is, in that little world you live in? GYMBOB

  • JWdaughter

    Rebel8, perhaps the doofuses are looking at Frosty as a graven image or something? :) They figure it is their duty (to Jehovah, even) to destroy false and graven images. . .

  • mcsemike

    The WT badly needs to learn that they do NOT own the universe and they NEVER WILL!! Put it on You Tube and give it to the local media. I'm sure it will hit the fan at the local hall. And when the CO visits, he will surely have something to say.

    One of the primary misconceptions with cults, especially the WT, is that they believe they are above the law because God is above Caesar's laws and they think they follow God's laws. They must learn that this is a legal matter, not a spiritual one, just the same as child abuse is. We don't give a damn if their microphone privileges are taken away from them. Let them spend 30 days in jail or pay a heavy fine and have their mug shots taken, fingerprints, the whole works. I wonder how funny they'd find it then.

    Fry them good and use this for all it's worth, just the same as THEY would do if the roles were reversed. Whenever a KH is damaged, don't they make a big deal out of it? "An eye for an eye." And a "Frosty for a Frosty."

  • loosie

    When you do get your hands on the video, I beg you to post it here, pleeeeeaaaasseeeee

  • freedom96

    I noticed a few people referring to possible hate crime charges and I agree. The act was vandelism, but the spirit behind it was the hatred of JW's who left the organization. From what I understand, that turns into a hate crime, and that is much more severe than possible 30 day sentence.

  • mcsemike

    I'd love to see them do more than 30 days, I just don't know if it will ever happen. If we locked up every JW who would love to commit a hate crime or molest a child, the hall would be nearly empty.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear friends,

    We thank all of you for your words of advise and encouragement. My husband and I have read all of your posts. I cannot believe how many people have posted!! WOW!! Thank you!! I will keep you posted, but have been advised to be careful what I post from here on out, for obvious reasons. However, when it is all said and done and is "safe to go back into the water", so to speak, I will be more than happy to fill you all in!!! Until then, you will see me here on the forum, but I may refrain from going into too much more. I will say this though, the state I live in because of previous hate crimes will not tolerate such harrasement, and has a special act for just that!! Anyhow, we love you all!! And I gotta say, knowing you all care about our "frosty" as much as we do, well.. it makes us love you all the more!! We loved the "frosty" comments!!


    Lady Liberty & The Black Pearl

  • juni

    I completely understand where you're coming from LadyLiberty and Black Pearl.

    I wish you both the best and was happy I could help.



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