How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    Kid A I'm quite surprised by your comments lately. Apparently there are lots and lots of people reading, the view count says it all.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    The day is starting out a bit cloudy, but perhaps it, and my head, will clear. Ran out of coffee. Will determine within the next few hours if that is a good thing. Friend and I had a Starbucks the other day. Might not have been the "burnt" coffee's doing, but boy! - did I ever go into paroxysms of head-splitting agonies. Might've simply been the longish day.
    Hope you don't mind my repeating myself, DD. But who could tire of dear old Em? I want to write out her poem "Not in Vain" once again, if only for my benefit. But, then, who knows?

    Not in Vain
    Emily Dickinson

    If I can stop one heart from breaking,
    I shall not live in vain:
    If I can ease one life the aching,
    Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin
    Unto his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.

    Love and thanks to those whom I dearly love,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    If you can get an electronic message through to Minimus, please let him know that we're close to 400 new posts and 3500 new views since 9 January. I do hope the jolly, little red one is bustin' his buttons.
    He's in Florida? I can see the moon, but not Florida; does that mean the moon is closer than he is? I dunno..........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Johannes Brahms' "Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor," performed by Emmanuel Axe, is on Sunday night NPR musical program - "Brahms the Romantic" [New York Philharmonic]. Second movement - the Adagio - is a love paean to Clara Schumann, as I understand. Exquisite melody. The adjoining front and end movements give the word "dynamic" a whole new meaning. Well, certainly up to that era, in terms of symphonic development. Ironic how Brahms always felt he was in the shadow of Beethoven. Not IMHO.
    Thunderous applause. Waves of love, surging forth from an appreciative audience, come crashing upon the makers of la belle musique........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Day # 2 - No coffee. I guess what I've heard is true: withdrawal, migraines, but - no more heartburn. Guess I'll have to tough out the rest.
    Watched "Secret Window" yesterday. Johnny Depp plays a writer, with a twist. Based on the S. King novel, SECRET WINDOW, SECRET GARDEN. Not exactly for the squeamish. Never would have guessed the ending. The day before I watched "Courage Under Fire," with Denzel Washington and Meg Ryan. Finding the "truth," or let's say, "correct" information on a matter, is the challenge presented to the investigator - the character portrayed by Denzel Washington. Does the deceased [character played by Meg Ryan] deserve to be awarded - posthumously - the Medal of Honor? Determining the truth from the widely diverging testimony given by her comrades in arms makes for a very intriguing plot. Personal agendas have so much to do with what will be revealed and what will remain concealed - but for how long?
    A beautiful and happy day to all!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am past anger and rage over some issues. Killer doctrines and practices will never find me resigned to quiet indifference. Stupidity? An entirely different matter. How does one categorize it? Does it require a label? I have received love and reassurance when needed and a firm hand when necessary. However, to say that good and love and right may proceed from only one source, i.e., "God's Organization," infuriates me. The good Samaritan, the Maltese who showed Paul et al extraordinary human kindness, the Roman centurion Cornelius.
    The expansive - is universalist a fitting term? - outlook we have acquired here at JWD is a breath of fresh air. The fetid and dank atmosphere of WT-land is swept away by the prevailing winds of change..........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I think I am feeling the effects of no coffee. Can it really be this bad? Maybe it's just a bug. Time will tell. Wish I felt like telling you more of my day, DD. Not so much to say, but for a new piano lesson. That much was good. Got a few PMs from friends on JWD; that always lifts my spirits. Thanx, yous guys!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    IN Thee, O LORD, I have taken refuge;
    Let me never be ashamed;
    In thy righteousness deliver me.
    Incline Thine ear to me, rescue me quickly;
    Be Thou to me a rock of strength,
    A stronghold to save me.

    --- Psalm 31:1, 2

    Good night and sweet dreams, my friends..........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    A beautiful new day has dawned and I feel over the worst of it - caffeine withdrawal. Been drinking lots of herbal teas. They are certainly better for my system and I really don't need that caffeine punch; it becomes ineffective after awhile.
    I have some art packets to get out today. I am trying to become more organized regarding projects I've let go. Who knows, one day everything I've worked for for the last five years may come to fruition. There's no reward for all the previous efforts if one's given up.
    Joined a writers club, which will give me more incentive. Peer evaluation is necessary if one is to improve. Getting recognized and eventually "placed" is part of the deal too. Cannot squirrel away all I write in a drawer like ol' Em used to do.
    A friend and I are working jointly on possible income-generating ventures via the net. Proceeding cautiously so's not to get scammed. Scammed once re: getting an education and succeeding in a career. No retirement. Gotta do something - NOW!

    A wonderful day to all - peace and love,


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I check it on occasion. Some months more than others. When the weather isn't dreary, I'll be outdoors rather than on my butt in front of a computer display.

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