How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Off to see the "apple of my eye," as well as the kiddies, and talk the joy of music! Will tell all ce soir lorsqu'on se verra. Till we meet again this eve!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Returned from a beautiful day of warming sunshine and productive music lessons. Time spent with loved ones. Called a friend who was lamenting the placing of an elderly mutual friend in old-folks' home. So sad to witness this outcome---the one we all face eventually. Keep busy and productive whilst we may. It all too soon slips away......


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Music from Aaron Copland is airing now on NPR. He wrote music for eight movies, between 1939 and 1962. "Barley Wagons" from "Of Mice and Men" has concluded. From a five-section suite, compiling selections from different movie scores, completed in 1942. Franz Joseph Haydn's "Symphony # 11"---was some 150 years immured, along with other music manuscripts, in a European castle library for safekeeping. They were brought to light by a Russian army general during WW II.
    More on Galileo's daughter:

    Christened Virginia, the illicit issue of GG's liason with Marina Gamba of Venice was born on 13 August 1600. Galileo deemed his daughter unmarriageable as he never married her mother. Some thirteen years later she was sent to the Convent of San Mateo in Arcetri. The name Maria Celeste was chosen by Virginia when she became a nun. It was an acknowledgement of her father's great interest in the heavenly bodies.

    It is approaching the end of another day, DD. I do hope that some good was done for someone in need, that a kind word was spoken at the right moment, giving the sad recipient a glimmer of hope. There is always reason to move ahead. Speaking with you, throughout each and every day, has helped me, Dear Diary. Do you value my society?


  • minimus

    CooCoo, You've really made this the thread that it is!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Good morning and the hope of a beautiful and productive day. Wagner's "Siegfried Idyll" has concluded. Wishing to respond to warbler's chirruping, hero attempts to fashion a reed pipe as the means of communication. A comic "what we have here is a failure to communicate." Jacques Ibert's "Escales" ["Ports of Call] has just begun. It truly does take one across the seas to the colorful enchantment of foreign ports. This piece reminds me very much of the seafaring musical scores of the old Hollywood flicks---"The Black Swan" [Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hara], "The Sea Hawk" [Errol Flynn, Flora Robson], "The Spanish Main" [Paul Henreid, Maureen O'Hara]. It is definitely a must-hear!
    Well, DD. Must take into account breaking the fast. Be back shortly.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Wasn't it meant to be a guessing game? Or more like a power trip over peoples' minds? I must have totally missed the meaning of the question. I learned a new word in the process: "corrigenda"---errors in printed work discovered after printing and shown with corrections [errata data] on a separate sheet bound [tipped in with glue]. Hate to have caused needed offense, given the responses. Of course, my reply may've been totally overlooked! No need to be touchy!
    Have been reading more great books, DD! will share that with you shortly......


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Off in a rush to piano lessons. Some emails out---finally! More nonsense from Schizo-become-Nemesis. Sympathy replaced with anger. Oh yes, I know, 'Be angry yet do not sin'!!!!!! All right, already! Heard from Minimus---that was good...But where's Mickey????????
    Have to don me garb, some dapper threads. 'Mazing the goods you get from the Thrift Store.



  • minimus

    CoCo, tell us your peccadillos.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Back from town a bit ago. Lugged up the groceries from the tailgate. Cleaned two pullets and popped them into the oven. Pullet Surprise for dinner. Minimus wrote earlier today about Pecking Dillos. I don't know if he's from Texas. But I remember squashed armadillos on the highways. Turtles in Missouri. I recall birds pecking away at the remains---is that what Minimus meant about "peckin' at 'dillos"? I get so confused at times. There could not have been anything wrong with M's question. I was raised to believe that---whenever there is a question of doubt---others are always right and I am always wrong. It's a good way to stay out of trouble. Why do I have no self-esteem?
    I have so much to read tonight, DD. Maria Callas, Mrs. Dalloway, Maria Celeste [Galileo's daughter], Le Petit Prince.........
    Keep your pages open, Dear Diary. Oh---Happy 200!!!!!!!!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I have been enjoying the pullet that was surprised---dinner. Had a good ole nap o' the eve as a prelude to my journey into armchair travels. Greece, Italy, England. Or out to sea with Ahab and Ishmael. Richard Basehart was "I" in the movie, Greg Peck as Cap'n "A." I love that line, "If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it." Something like that.
    Speaking of the great and open seas, Miss Ann Tropics and her laughing friends were quite taken by those quirky arachnids, who were weaving and wavering while working wigourously on webs. I looked and looked, wanting so much to participate in the merriment, but my disbelief could not be suspended. Technical problems????????
    I will be back, DD. I am quite in mental disarray as to where I shall travel, in literary fashion, this eve. So great a problem? Not really........


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