Fluff - Men: What do you think about women ...

by serendipity 81 Replies latest social relationships

  • Warlock
    What do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date, especially a first date?

    As long as her name is Jezebel, it's no problem.

    JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some men are very afraid of being rejected, so if more women would ask men out, that would provide some relief for men who feel that way.


  • Soledad

    Terry you won't feel that way forever. Hang in there. Nothing is permanent. (hiding wedding ring) Jayhawk will you go out with me?? I live in NY you live in KS we'll meet somewhere in the middle ok?? :) Cheers!

  • frankiespeakin

    What do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date, especially a first date?

    Good idea? Bad idea? Why?

    I think lets drop all the sterio types. Why should people have to conform to what culture considers normal.

    Personally I would like the idea, and if a women asked me out on a date the worst that i could say is no. Hey I like being hit on and don't find it offensive or unattractive. And with the same token I don't like it when women expect me to be like the sterio typical male and follow cultural courtship rituals in order to develope a relationship with her.

  • Clam

    I've been approached by women before who have "chatted me up". It's great! Why shouldn't women in 2006 do this? It shows they have confidence and aren't hung up on dated gender roles. It's only one step up from flirting with the guy you like, so what's the harm???

    "Faint heart never won fair lady" - "Faint heart never won hot dude"

    Having said that the one thing I used to hate was when girls would come up to me and say " My friend wants to go out with you"

  • MadTiger

    Agree mostly with clam.

    The kind of woman so dead-set against it is the kind I don't want.

  • frankiespeakin

    Sometimes it nice to play hard to get, I mean how many times do women play that game, with us guys, I'm not saying all women do this. Sometimes I would like to play that reversed but never to hurt someone but just to know what it feels like maybe get the ego boost who knows.

  • Terry

    I'm too dense to know when a woman is merely being friendly or has something more in mind. I am always friendly, outgoing and light-hearted with strangers in person and the response I get is usually the same. Somewhere in all that there may be signals--but--I'd never know it.

    A woman has to be pretty blunt to get through my concrete head.

  • frankiespeakin

    To the Women on this board that want to flurt with Terry show a real intrest in his story even though you haven't got a clue what the hell he's talking about, and then tell him the truth: you were only doing that because you were so horny you do anything. or something with that theme and see how far that would getcha.

  • diamondblue1974

    In todays so called liberated society, women should be able to do what they damn well wish without any questions being asked regarding whether others of the opposite gender find it socially acceptable.

    In my view too much weight is attached to tradition and to social acceptance; people should just be themselves.

    Just my view.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I asked my man out on the first date b/c I got tired of waiting on him. I'd say it worked out pretty damn good. We'll have been together for 2 years in December.

    ~luv, jojo

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