Strange picture In J W publication

by BluesBrother 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jez

    I have not read all the posts, so apologize if this has already been stated.

    The first thing that I noticed in both pictures posted is the clothing. A culture has been components. One of these components is clothing. Clothing often indictates religious limitations, beliefs, respect, etc. How can people still be uniquely dressed, separate from each other and yet "one"? That is one of the reasons for the current dress code amongst JWs. It promotes conformity and uniformity.

    WHY are they showing such diversity in the new system, other than to truly lull readers into such a daze that they will accept anything? How can ppl actually believe this?

    They are extermists. Too literal and too symbolic all at once.


  • PopeOfEruke

    What is it with the freakin' lions?? Last time I visited my JW mum and she got all upset about me "leaving the truth" and was crying etc, (a terrible scene really) she said through her tears "I just wanted to get all my children into the new system so we could pat the lions"....

    Pat the lions?? And yep! check any picture depicting the New System and in almost EVERY ONE there is a lion! How cunningly the cult masters inculcate these images into the brains of the naive and unsuspecting.

    How long could a person be happy patting lions? I don't even like lions!!

    And did you notice in one of the Armegeddon images posted earlier, there is a TIGER getting destroyed!!!


    LIONS=good, TIGERS=-bad!

    What a religion! What a cult! What a strange race of beings we are!


  • Sacchiel

    Actually a Tiger was featured prominently on the Knowledge book. I've got to admit, those were some silly and horrendous pictures!

  • Kudra

    Ha ha. I bet this is the most hits on "honesthearted" that Google has ever received!

    But sadly and perversely, I bet a Dub would piddle in his meeting pants to see that ALL Google references to the word "honesthearted" are only for the JWs.

    It would be PERFECT for an illustration in a public talk- I can totally see it:

    'Brothers, the world definitely has to sit up and take notice of Jehovahs glorious people, why, we are the only group involved in "pure worship" as can be seen by a simple word search on a popular internet search engine when looking up the work "honesthearted"'


  • Juniper123

    I just it was intresting that we'll walk around for ever in our national cosutmes. And I figured Jehovah being Jehovah and all would use his Jehovah-powers to instantly clear the rubble, make everything either a meadow, an apple orchard, or a water fall by a meadow by an apple orchard and it being paradise, carefully styled baskets of cauliflower and tomoates would spill over tables while women with shampoo commericial hair and toothpaste ad smiles play with a Koala bear cub or smile at a handful of grapes. The idea that we would have to clean up the bodies never occuried to me and certaintly never was tought to me. However I did read in one of the recent WTs about how meetings will go on in The New System, so I'm glad for my long dirt nap.

  • KW13

    whats with the slogan there, next to the elephant? Jehovah wants you to enjoy "the real life" will you?

    Sounds like they are selling paradise on terms and conditions.

  • RedPill2006

    You people make me laugh

    By the way, my father and me had this discussion about the vegetarian lifestyle (he loves meat!) and they would get into that circular reasoning and using original Eden as reference. My father would leave the discussion and kept telling me: if I survive I WILL have some good meat recipes in my pocket and get sure they survive, too.....

    ...for me the original garden perspective, should I say....would make the New System interesting....because then they should paint all these people NAKED! ....Man, I would love to participate in what would be the biggest, legal NUDE BEACH party.....see how sister "Pretty-Pioneer" looks under her clothing....but then, PANG....I realize...what a crap....YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING.....and half of these people would have undergone some kind of "heavenly castration" process.....UNREAL! Nah. Forget about id.

    Do you know what is so interesting about how JW try to create the "perfect person"? It reassembles what the Nazis had in mind (remember the Thousand Year Reich?). When I was pioneer I had a study with an german neo-nazi. He was very well educated, not one of those brutal gang members, but well studied, intelligent. He said that JW appeal to him because they wanted something similar like the Nazis - to create the Herrenmensch (look at He told me: look, Hitler wanted to get rid of the unworthy and you people too. Look, I love the well behaved, obedient blond-german people are creating the same kind of woman. We have many similarities. He said that with an smile.

    After that study it dawned me that something with my beliefs wasn't right....if it appeals to Neo-nazis, than definitely that wasn't the world I would like to live.


  • Lapuce

    Thats Prozac paradise for sure, no one can always be that happy only playing all day with animals. What will Jehovah do with the buzzards once they ate the dead carcasses??? What use ??? Really weird.

  • jayhawk1

    The Nazi said about the Jehovah's Witnesses...

    Look, I love the well behaved, obedient blond-german people are creating the same kind of woman. We have many similarities. He said that with an smile.

    Well... isn't that what we all want?

  • carla

    When I brought up the artwork in the wt's my jw said that we shouldn't pay much attention to them as they are only artist renderings and those who do have a screw loose! hmm, well that's ok you all already knew what he thought of all of you anyway. My apologies for him.

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