What is your purpose here?

by The Scotsman 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • bubble

    The point is, we're all very happy to be here.

    More importantly, why the hell are you here?

    A troll no doubt!

  • trevor

    Scotsman - you say

    It is interesting to read the posts here. People desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!

    I would be interested in knowing how fighting free of a life of slavery and lies to walk in the sunshine and live a full and productive life in the real world amounts to giving up?

    Your post is based on subjective reasoning which is guaranteed to lead you to the conclusions you want it.

    When I was a child I used to sit in chair and ask general knowledge questions out loud. I would answer each one and amaze myself by knowing all the answers. My ego was shattered when an outspoken uncle dared to point out that I was bound to know all the answers because I was only asking questions that I already knew the answers to!

    He said I would only learn by asking questions I did not know the answers to and listening to other peoples answers.

    Scotsman say hello your naughty uncle!

  • JWdaughter

    The WT organization/magazine has totally misrepresented (for example) the blood issue. Now, this is a life or death issue literally, and an issue that is important enough to the JWs/org. that it can have a person removed from all association if they go against the WT teachings on the subject. Now, you know that biblically, there is no validation to the teaching(as it is now or as it was in the past)pertaining to Christians. Address that alone-it is enough manipulation alone to send me from the organization.

    What lies do you see here about the teachings? Do you really think that former JWs cannot see beyond certain folks' hype to get to the reality of what the WT does that is wrong, while proclaiming that all OTHER religions are false while only they are true? Come on, you are simply being dishonest with yourself and with us.

  • JWdaughter

    Simply address things that ARE real issues, the latest tract is just so much nonsense. Same tract, different campaign. NGO-fine, ignore it if it doesn't matter to you. Ignore the child abuse. It isn't anything that can be proven to you. What does matter? Does the WT integrity currently and in the past have any standing regarding the validity of the religion? Does the past only matter regarding other religion (check out your latest tract-I am sure history has some place in IT-only not yours, but the churches of 'christendom'.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It is interesting to read the posts here. People desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!

    Wrong. We aren't trying to convince ourselves of anything, we know we were right to leave the wts

    the fact that this is the truth.

    No, just one minor religious sect's interpretation of it, and they could be wrong,probably are

    I have never been more sure that this is an organisation with Jehovah's backing. And no, I am not brainwashed, tricked, blinded

    People who are brainwashed aren't aware of it, that's what being brainwashed is.

    Dig up the past ALOT. Qouting ancient Watchtower articles etc

    Just pointing out the constant changes in watchtower doctrine. If it's the truth to begin with, it wouldn't need to change. The truth is, when time runs out on on story, like the "generation" theory, the wts just come up with another one, and most jws are so brainwashed by wts crap they fall for it.

    And of course - the main tactic, resort to absolute untruth and deception

    Name some examples of that, things you can prove, not just what you think.

    And finally, didn't you agree to this?

    7 .

    We will resist with all of our strength, the spirit of the world that manifests in it such things as

    materialism, unwholesome entertainment, overindulgence in food and alcoholic beverages, the

    plague of pornographic material and the curiosity or temptation that lures one into association with

    outsiders through Internet chat rooms.

    If you voted "yes" to that last summer, then why are you here? Do your elders know you come here? Interested apostates want to know.

  • JWdaughter

    Oh, what is YOUR purpose here?

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman


    I have a new TFT flat screen thingy and it is not set up right.

    Some letters are a bit blurry.

    Thread does make more sense than threat.

    Anyway, ministry is not until 10 a.m.

  • Leolaia
    Dig up the past ALOT. Qouting ancient Watchtower articles etc. (light gets brighter people)

    It is all about the history of the organization, a history that JWs are generally not well-informed about. It is through history that one gains a perspective about the present; it provides a track record that bears on current realities. It would be like what happens when a person wants to do business with someone who seems a little shady; would it be unreasonable to do a background check which could reveal if the person is truthful about his past or has received complaints from customers or even has a criminal record? Or should one just take the person's word at face value and put stock in his promises which sound a little too good to be true?

    Apparently history matters to the Society, for they bring it up all the time when it concerns the history of the Catholic Church or other religions. But bringing up questionable things about the history of the Society just amounts to "moaning" in your eyes. Giving an all-purpose cop-out like "the light gets brighter" does not excuse sins of the past nor explain away things that do not fit with current doctrine, such as the dogma that Christ has directed the organization since 1919. When the Society says that their past as they represent it is a "history of how the Most High God and his Son Jesus Christ have used the Society, yes, and used the official magazine that it publishes since the time both of these were begun" (1 November 1955 Watchtower, p. 670), it should matter a great deal what actually happened under this supposed direction and what was printed by the Society.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Please read John 14:6, read it? good....now tell me where do your read that an organisation is the"truth". The bible clearly tells you that Jesus is the truth. What an insult to God, how presumptuous to say that you are "in the truth". Does that mean that you are "in Jesus".

    What is a nice little JW doing on this site??

  • awol

    I came across this site by accident.... and SO HAPPY I did. It was a couple of weeks ago and I feel like a weight of GUILT has been lifted from me!!!! A lot of us have had a very UNHAPPY time in the "truth" and seeking out like minded people who BUILD you UP is the best way to get over feeling unhappy for so many years!

    I must say that as a JW (when I went along) I could NEVER understand the hypocracy of (the majority) of the members. Now, YOU for one are going on field service? Why? There is NO POINT now. You have BEEN TOLD NOT to associate with worldly persons.... yet YOU have sought us out and chose to join us and make conversation!!! NOT only are we "worldly" but we have "turned our backs" on your religion!!!!! This used to upset me the MOST. I would think I was going to die at armaggedon if I happen to have a bad thought.... or swore, or didn't answer up, or didn't study - if I did it wasn't enough, if I associated with anyone who wasn't a witness, if I didn't make a meeting, if I didn't go on field service enough...... the guilt was too much!!! I watched a lot of people doing "the worldly thing" in the "truth" and my thought was, I either grass them up..... or leave!!! So along with the guilt of all the above and not wanted to spill the beans on half the congregation.... I left!!!

    Tell you what, you approach an elder of your choice. Sit down with him, and invite him to sit next to you whilst you come on to the site next time....... come on later and let us know his answer . Or better still, give me the name of your congregation and maybe one of us will visit and come over and have a chat xx

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