evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    Beardo- thanks for the link, time for tea too, and don`t worry, i am fine.

  • dido

    Beardo- thanks for the link, time for tea too, and don`t worry, i am fine.

  • freetosee
    that`s why you keep following me around!

    Dido, so far you keep saying that to different people on every thread I have followed you and the pm you sent me. You fascinate me, I can’t help it. I think you put a spell on me.

    Your "little follower" demon freetosee"

  • AuldSoul

    Don't fear the list! Embrace it, I say! Embrace the list!

  • under_believer

    dido, how can you say that I believe in "evo" without any evidence? You don't know me and you certainly don't know how I came to reject the Genesis account as being a literal description of the origin of the universe.

    Come on. Are you really proud of the way you're acting? Do your answers to the people who disagree with you seem like grown-up behavior? You're just lashing out. Why don't you take a couple of days to cool down and think about why you feel so threatened that you're acting like this?

  • dido

    freetosee-yeah i`ve got a few hangers on, oops i mean followers, i could start my own religion couldn`t i? Hmmm what should i call it? Evostick?

    under_believer, i don`t want to go away and cool off, i`m having fun thankyou very much! Why don`t you go and cool down and find some manufacturing reality you can be part of? How about `walmart`? they are open 24/7?

  • TopHat
    The trick is to know when you're ignorant and keep your mouth shut. Problem is, a lot of people are so ignorant that they don't know how ignorant they are. It's like that old saw about a man's son thinking his father was amazingly stupid when he was a teenager, then being surpised at how much smarter the old man got as they aged.

    You'er getting a bald spot AlanF ...losing more and more scales...watch out...you'll never fly off the ground that way! Maybe you can glue them back on. LOL calling people ignorant like that...now I KNOW your coming UNGLUED> hahahha Is that the only defence you have?

    Even your IDOL, Dawkins amits evolution can't be proved. But then again he will speak as though it was a fact. Very contradictory the man is on his belief. He even keeps open the possiblity of there being a God yet thinks God does not exist. HUH???

  • freetosee

    LT said:

    Some folks are more straitlaced online than they are in person. Having met quite a few I often find myself surprised out how nice they are in person when they can seem to be absolute w**k*ers in the hard text of a webboard

    Though I have not meat anyone from JWD in person, I believe this is very true without any evidence and I strongly believe this includes Dido.


  • TopHat
    Un- believer said:

    Regarding the topic at hand, it was my increasingly accurate understanding of evolution thatwas the original, sole, primary reason why I started falling out of "the truth." Many other things shook loose later--but the scornful, arrogant, ignorant way the Society dealt with evolution is what originally made me believe that they didn't have the truth.

    So you say you have an accurate understanding of evolution? Does that mean you believe in evolution? Just curious as that can lead others to believe you DO!

  • Mysterious

    Alan I know you're well read on the subject what would you say is the best book on the subject to start with? I'm hoping for something that would be available through my university or public library since I'm a little short on funds. Major university though so you can assume anything truly noteworthy should be there. I seem to encounter this debate with creationists quite often and I don't have all the arguments yet.

    how thick can you get, do you think that ONLY royalty go to those schools? Prime ministers, teachers, politicians, doctors people with real education and knowledge, not just failed theories. Where did you go, to the dumb school?

    Come on. Are you really proud of the way you're acting? Do your answers to the people who disagree with you seem like grown-up behavior? You're just lashing out. Why don't you take a couple of days to cool down and think about why you feel so threatened that you're acting like this?

    There were several pages in between but I think 'nuff said. Seriously giggled at the playground manner demonstrated there.

    The truth is all the evo`s on here are so sure that they are right, i hope Armageddon does come and give them a rude awakening! Has it entered into yours or any of the other dipsticks on here, (not including you as i have respect for you and Ian) that there is a possibility that you could be wrong? Or are they all so vein to think that they are right?

    Wow that was a throwback to JWs tee hee. And what will you do when Armageddon doesn't come and when you die and return the ground? Answer: You won't do anything because you won't be conscious of anything. Funny how it's not the evolutionists that use fear mongering to try and sway people to their side. As for being vain enough to think you are right, in that vein I would have to point out how silly it would be to believe something and think you were wrong. Isn't that what belief is all about. Are you vain for thinking you are right? If you aren't then neither are they.

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