evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    freetosee said:

    : So I try to look at all of this in an humorous way.

    Like I said, it's both amusing and sad.


  • dido

    Beardo- i wouldn`t let an evo guide me anywhere, sorry, they look to bacteria as the `great evo` discovery, big deal, germs have been around since life began, they just keep revolving not evolving. I do find the idea of orgasms oops sorry organisms (freudian slip there) very interesting tho` .are they evolving too? Seriously, don`t let this lot bog you down with their waffling about evo, it`s all in their minds!

  • under_believer

    Hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.

    lol, indeed.

    I have had run-ins with dido before too. In my case, it was my skepticism about the existence of demons/ghosts/evils spirits and my unwillingness to accept that the Watchtower Study is a form of hypnosis.

    Yes, she believes those things, too. At one point, she told me that I "put up too hard a barrier to accept or believe something" in response to my request for evidence. She lives in a manufactured reality; her statement at the time was "I think you either believe [...] or you don't. I choose to. I haven't got any evidence, how can you prove something like that?"

    In other words--choose what you believe in. Define your own reality, and stick with it. It boggles my mind that anyone would be willing to simply believe, without evidence, but that is the world in which we live.

    Regarding the topic at hand, it was my increasingly accurate understanding of evolution that was the original, sole, primary reason why I started falling out of "the truth." Many other things shook loose later--but the scornful, arrogant, ignorant way the Society dealt with evolution is what originally made me believe that they didn't have the truth.

  • dido

    freetosee, yes i must be very attention seeking, that`s why you keep following me around! Watch out for the demons tho`, they might come and get ya!

  • Beardo
    Seriously, don`t let this lot bog you down with their waffling about evo, it`s all in their minds!

    I won't. Don't worry. I'm a stubborn old goat and play silly games on forums from time to time.

    I do accept parts of the EVO thing, I just don't go the whole way. But ultimately, I haven't got the foggiest what actually happened "in the beginning" - I used to believe the Genesis account was literal at one time, then, well, I looked at a lot of information, got confused, my head nearly exploded and then I slipped on my metaphorical lenses which seemed to help me quite a lot.

    What will be will be and time will tell.

    Toddle - pip & pleez, don't take this too heart, just take a deep breath, exhale slowly, relax, drink a nice warm cup of tea and if you need inspiration listen to this guys music:


    Especially " Winter Song " - the guy is an absolute genius.

  • AlanF

    LittleToe said:

    : Aye, we can either stick our heads in the sand or do something about it. Of course we're all ignorant about something or other, as there's just soooo much to learn about soooo many things!!!!

    Of course. The trick is to know when you're ignorant and keep your mouth shut. Problem is, a lot of people are so ignorant that they don't know how ignorant they are. It's like that old saw about a man's son thinking his father was amazingly stupid when he was a teenager, then being surpised at how much smarter the old man got as they aged.

    I've seen this time and again. Someone enters upon some project thinking they know a lot about the subject. Some are even sangine about it. Then they get into it and find out there's a lot more to it than they ever suspected. Taking a solid subject in college is often like that. I'm seeing it right now with my two college age kids. Enough experiences like that and you begin to see how ignorant you are of most things, and you might also begin to suffer the fools badly who refuse to be told that they really don't know anything on some subject.

    : I'm like a kiddy in a candy store

    I'm with you on that one!


  • dido

    under_believer- manufactured reality, do you mean like `marks and spencers?` if so yeaaaaaaaaaaa i love it! You believe in evo without evidence, so don`t give me that bulls...t.

  • fullofdoubtnow


    In other words--choose what you believe in. Define your own reality, and stick with it. It boggles my mind that anyone would be willing to simply believe, without evidence, but that is the world in which we live.

    Isn't that what we all did as jws? They present their beliefs as "facts", when in reality they are merely theories, based on their interpretation of the bible, plus more than a few rules they made up without any real scriptural backing, but most of us on this board accepted them once as truth.

    It boggles my mind that I ever fell for the stuff they fed me, but I did, for over half my life.

    On topic, I am more inclined towards evolution nowadays than creation, though not through any extensive study of evolution, I might add.

  • jgnat

    Any of you seen the "manufactured reality" of what really happens inside a Coke vending machine?


  • AlanF

    A challenge for the creationists: Present two facts, with supporting references, that give strong evidence in favor of special creation.

    I won't hold my breath expecting an intelligent answer.

    On the other hand, I can cite dozens of facts that support evolution. And I know from experience that creationists are not able to dispute these.


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