evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    LT- that is weird then, as i ALWAYS finish my courses of antibiotics. Actually, my allergy to antibiotics is inherited i think, as my dad got allergic to them around about the same age as me. So what about MRSA then, that is the worse virus/bacteria at the moment isn`t it?

    Funkyderek- what determines a meaningful discussion, swotting up on evolution theories? I think that is totally boring.

  • Mysterious
    that is just caused by man`s imperfection, take aids for example.

    How exactly did man being imperfect cause AIDS?

  • dido

    Mysterious- by having sex with monkeys, call it imperfect, or perverted, it`s not natural.

  • Caedes


    There are some very good examples of recent evolution in action, the famous moths that changed colouration in response to polution levels in the atmosphere,

    fish are getting smaller as an evolutionary response to fishing, since fisherman always throw smaller fish back in or smaller fish can swim through holes in nets, fish populations (the ones that humans fish anyway) are getting smaller.

    I know you said that bacteria dont do it for you but how about the bacteria that have evolved the ability to consume nylon waste (nylon is a completely artificial product not in existence before the begining of the last century)

    The american mussels that have evolved a defence mechanism against a foreign crab only recently bought to american shores.

    These are just some of the examples that I can recall, you are welcome to do further research yourself on any of the examples I have given. If you wish to have the links let me know.

    Probably the best example though is dog and cat breeding, by artifically selecting characteristics people have been able to introduce huge variety into dogs, just think of evolution as a natural way of selecting the characteristics that help the animal survive and mate in whatever environment it's in.

  • stevenyc


    stevenyc- i would want to see an example of evolution in either animals or humans, bacteria doesn`t do it for me, that is just caused by man`s imperfection, take aids for example.

    Okay, as you new to the subject, (I am not trying to be condescending here, but I am assuming that you may not know some of the words used by evolutionists), I will explain a couple of words and ideas so we are on the same page before we talk. I will not make a case for either creation of evolution here, I am just trying to help you understand what people are talking about. Evolution is all about things changing. Or more importantly, IDENTIFYING changes that happen in all forms of life. When people discuss these changes they are either talking about identifying changes within a type of animal (called micro-evolution) or identifying changes that are common across different types animals (called macro-evolution). An example of Micro-evolution would be the people at the time of Henry VIII were much shorter than us today. An example of Macro-evolution would be some animals have lungs while others use gills. Most creationist (including the watchtower and you) believe in micro-evolution. So, to recap in layman's terms: - All types of animals have identifiable changes between what they are now, and what their great, great, great,.....,great grandparents were - micro-evolution is the seeing the change between an animal now and an ancestor of the same type of animal - macro-evolution is seeing what is COMMON between different types of animals now and ONLY ONE type of animal in the past. (This animal is what they call the 'common ancestry'). Let me know if you understand my explanation. If you are not sure about anything I will try to explain the words some more. Please remember, I am only trying to help you understand the terminology so we can talk later. steve
  • stevenyc

    LT, Panentheist indeed. You know there is something about that, that I like. Can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe I'll start a new thread.


  • dido

    Caedes- exactly, the moths changed colour DUE to pollution, fish are probably getting smaller because of all the pollution in the sea. They say that men are becoming infertile due to the women`s hormone being released into the waste. The american mussells could have already had that mechanism and it wasn`t known. All these things can have a reason for changing, not necessarily because of evolution. Dog breeding is easily explained, mixing breeds of different animals doesn`t work tho` does it, makes hybreds. Anyway, thanks for your offer of the links, i would have a look and see what they have to say.

  • Beardo
    Once you stiffle the enjoyment and wonder of life in the antisceptic confines of pure science you are halfway to dead, IMHO.

    Very true - although Dawkins reasons that for him, dismissing God / the occult world / mysticism, actually enhances his world view and appreciation for the here & now. Mind you, he's an idiot

  • dido

    stevenyc-right, you say people were shorter, but that`s not all people, some african tribes were very tall, so were the dutch people and Danes, Some animals were created with gills, some with lungs, show me when they changed over?

  • stevenyc

    dido, please read my post again. I am not making a case for or against evolution, I am trying to explain the words used so that we are on the same page.

    The first key phrases to understand if you want to have a discussion on evolution and creation are:



    identifying changes

    common ancestry


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