Weird crop circle sighting...

by troubled mind 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeptic2
  • skeptic2

    Crop-off in progress.

  • rebel8

    I think it would be beyond hilarious if we made some crop circles in the shape of the WT logo and the words "false prophets" next to it.

  • tijkmo

    ok then...what about ice circles

    and led zeppilin...they used crop circles on an album cover and we all know they sold their souls to the devil

  • LovesDubs

    You guys obviously never saw the movie "Signs" with Mel Gibson or you would KNOW crop circles are REAL and they are made by aliens as navigating devices. Also....if you cover the top of your head with aluminum foil they cant read your mind.

    Get with it people...or your vegetable garden is NEXT.

    Hey...why dont they ever use sand traps? Wouldnt that be a helluva lot easier than CROPS?

  • BrendaCloutier

    Come on guys. Everyone knows it's not aliens, but piskies that make the crop circles!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    hmmmm, has anyone seen Mel Gibson lately? alt

  • morty

    I dont really care how they got there but, they are cool looking IMO....

    I lean more towards some HUMANS screwing with everyone though!

  • daniel-p

    The ONLY possible explanation is... crab people.

  • Mary

    While I think alot of the crop circles are hoaxes, I think there's something else going on here. Crop circles were first reported in the 17th century and were viewed as the work of the devil (naturally). I'm wondering if there's any chance that it could be a natural phenonmenon.....

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